Chapter 22

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After the show Mark and I decided to go out to dinner. So we all went back to my house so I could change. I was in my room and then I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said. "Hey beautiful" Mark said smiling. I blushed. "Oh stop it" I said. "What its true, your soo beautiful" then he walked up and kissed me. It was perfect.

He stopped then whispered "Where something fancy" in my ear and walked out of my room. I laughed and thought how could I get so lucky?

I walked over to my closet and picked out a mint green dress with lace at the top.(Pic Above) Then I picked out some white heels and went to take a shower.

20 minutes later I get out of the shower and put my dress on. I brush my teeth and decide to curl my hair in loose curls. When I was done I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs.

When I got downstairs all eyes were on me. "DANG girl!" Blake shouted and winked at me. Mark punched him in his arm. "Bro stop" he said and we all laughed.

Mark walked up to me and whispered "You look beautiful tonight" I blushed. "You look handsome too" I said and took his hand.

"Awee! Goals!" Hunter yelled. We all laughed. "Are you ready to go?" Mark asked. I nodded my head and we walked out the door. "Don't be out to late!" We heard as we left. We both laughed.

We walked hand in hand. I had no clue where we were going. "Where are we going?" I asked. "You'll see when we get there" he said. "Okayy" I said and sighed.

After about 5 more minutes of walking Mark said "Okay, close your eyes" "Okay" I said as I closed my eyes. He took my hand and lead me somewhere.

"And....Open your eyes" he said and I opened my eyes. I looked up and saw a pathway of lights and roses leading to a blanket of food and soft music playing. There were candles lit.

It was gorgeous. "Wow... Mark this is beautiful. You didn't have to do this" I said. "I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me. Do you like it?" he said and smiled. "I love it" I said and hugged him.

"I'm glad you like it. Let's sit down" he said and we sat down on the blanket. "Hope your hungry" he said and pulled out a bunch of food that looked amazing! I smiled and nodded my head.

We talked and laughed for hours. It was so fun and I was so glad I got to spend time with Mark. We were laying on the blanket looking up at the stars hand in hand. I couldn't imagine a more perfect night.

"As much as I want this to last forever, I think it's time to get back home" Mark said. "I think your right" I sighed. We got up and cleaned up our mess and started walking home.

"I had an amazing time tonight Mark" I said. "I'm glad" he said and stopped walking. I stopped too. "Is everything okay?" I asked. "I'm just wondering how I got so lucky" he said and smiled.

"I love you so much" I smiled. "I love you too" he said and then he leaned in and tried to kiss me. I'm so lucky.

He leaned back and we started walking again. I grabbed his hand and laid my head on his shoulder.

We finally arrived at my house and walked in the door. Nobody was awake so we had to be really quiet. "Hey, go get changed into something comfortable and come back down" he said. I nodded my head and walked upstairs to my room.

I changed into some sweats and a t-shirt then put my hair into a messy bun and walked back downstairs. I saw Mark standing in the kitchen.

"So what are we doing?" I asked walking over. "I was thinking we could make some cupcakes?" He asked and smiled.

"At 12:00 at night?" I laughed. "Yeah, why not?" He asked. "Okay, but we have to be quite!" I said. He nodded his head and I have him a kiss on the cheek.

I walked over and grabbed the flour out of the pantry and accidentally tripped on my own foot and all of the flour fell on Mark... "Whoops, I'm sorry I slipped" I said between laughs.

"Oh really?" He said smirking and before I knew it we were having a flour war in my kitchen at 12:00 at night.

Mark had decided to broadcast so he went on his phone and went live. We explained to the broadcast that we tried to make cupcakes and epically failed. It was a blast.

About 20 minutes of throwing flour at eachother and talking to the broadcast the lights came on. I looked over and saw Blake standing there looking at us and the mess we had made.

"Woah, what happened in here?" He asked. I looked at Mark then back at Blake. "We made cupcakes..." I said. "Well, we tried..." Then Mark and I started laughing.

"Okay, well y'all better get to cleaning. Oh and stop making so much noise, some people are trying to get their beauty sleep" Blake said and walked away.

Mark and I started laughing again. "Okay, he's right. We do need to clean up" I said looking at the mess we made. "Awwww. Okay fine let's go" he sighed.

He ended the broadcast and we started to clean up this mess.

20 minutes later.

We had finally gotten the mess cleaned up all of the mess we made. I'm surprised that it didn't take that long.

"I'm going to go take a shower and go to bed." I said to Mark. "Okay, I'm going to do the same. I've got flour everywhere" he said and we laughed.

"Goodnight beautiful. I had fun tonight, I love you" he said and gave me a hug. "Goodnight. I love you too" I said and walked up to my room.

I hopped in the shower and 5 minutes later I got out and put my pjs on. I laid in my bed thinking of how I got so lucky to be with Mark. I finally fell asleep.

(A/N: Okay so idk what happened but I came to edit something in the original chapter but there was a glitch and it deleted half of the chapter. So I had to re-write it😕 But I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I thought it was cute. What do you think about #Mexi? Comment! Bye cutiess❤️)

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