Chapter 20

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-Lexis POV-
I woke up wrapped in Hunters arms. I got up out of my bed quietly so I wouldn't wake up him up. I walked over to my closet and grabbed some sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I took my clothes to the bathroom and hopped in the shower.

After about 20 minutes I got out, got dressed, brushed my teeth and put my hair into a messy bun. My memory still hasn't come back yet but I'm hoping that it will soon. I was worried about Weston, after we broke up he ran out and he hasn't come back yet.

"Good morning" Hunter said as I walked passed him to get to the door so I could go down to the kitchen. "Good morning" I said smiling. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Downstairs to get food" "Cool, I'll be down in a second" he said. I turned towards him and hugged him. "Thanks, for everything" I said. "No problem princess, now go eat" he said laughing.

I laughed and walked downstairs. Everyone was already awake and eating. "Good morning" I said walking to the pantry to get some food. "Good morning" they said. "Have you seen Weston?..." I asked.

They just looked at me in silence. "No... He hasn't come back yet..." Caroline said. I just looked down at my food. I felt my eyes staring to water but I held my tears back. "I'm sorry Lex" Mark said coming up to me and hugging me.

"It's okay, I mean it's my fault that he left." I said. "No baby girl, it's not. It's his fault for acting the way he did." He said and kissed me on the cheek. I kind of felt something... Maybe a spark? I could tell he felt something too. Maybe I do like him.

-Marks POV-
I couldn't take Lexi blaming this on herself. It's not her fault. It hurt to see her hurting like this. "No baby girl, it's not. It's his fault for acting the way he did." I told her and kissed her on the cheek.

I felt a spark between us. I could tell she felt it too. I really like her, I want to tell her how I feel so bad, but it's to early. She's going through a lot right now.

-Weston's POV-
I couldn't stop thinking about Lexi. I don't know why she would break up with me. I love her and I miss her so much. When I left last night I didn't sleep, I just kept riding my penny board.

I didn't know where I was. While I was in the middle of my thoughts someone ran into me and we both fell to the ground. "Hey watch where your-- MARIO?!" I looked up and saw Mario. "WESTON?!" He yelled as he stood up helping me up as well.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "Well I came down here to surprise y'all for the next M&G but then they reschedule it for some reason.

"Oh, well you sure did surprise me!" I said. "So, what are you doing all the way out here? I thought you were staying with that Lexi girl? Oh and how are y'all to?" He said smirking.

Just the thought of Lexi makes me want to cry. "She broke up with me" I said. Mario just looked at me. "Oh, bro I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's fine" I said. "C'mon lets go to an amusement park and catch up" he said. "Okay" I said and we rode our penny boards to the amusement park.

-Lexis POV-
After we ate breakfast, we decided to go to an amusement park. But before we left I changed into some light blue skinny jeans and put on a floral crop top with my white vans(😂)and flat ironed my hair.

We asked Caroline's mom to drive us, she agreed so we hopped in the car and left.

(Skip to amusement park)

The car ride was very short. When we arrived at the amusement park we all got out and got our tickets. "Okay, so which ride do you guys want to ride first?" Jacob asked.

"How about that one?" Blake said and smirked. I looked up at the ride that he was talking about and my stomach instantly fell to my feet. I looked up at the ride. It was one that would spin really fast in circles. (A/N: I'm not sure how to explain it😂) "There is no way I'm riding that thing" I said.

"It's okay princess" Mark said comforting me. I gulped. Everyone wanted to ride it so I guess I have to face my fear.

"Fine" I huffed. They laughed at me and we walked over to get in line. The wait time was about 5 minutes and then it was finally our turn to get on.

"Sit beside me, I'll make sure nothing happens to you" Mark said with a cheesy smile. "Okay" I smiled and he took my hand as we sat down on the ride.

I was so scared. I started breathing heavily. Mark looked at me. "It's going to be okay" that was the last thing he said before he kissed me...

At that moment, I remember everything. My memory was back. He pulled back and the ride started spinning. I felt sick.

The ride was finally over and when we got on the ground I was so tempted to kiss the ground and never ever leave it again.

"I'm never doing that again" I said. "Haha, how about we go get something to eat?" Mark said. We all nodded our heads and I took Marks hand and we headed to get some food.

-Weston's POV-
When we arrived at the amusement park we went on a tone of rides. It was fun hanging out with my bestfriend and  taking my mind off of things.

After we rode about 2 more rides we decided to go get some food. Mario and I were walking when I saw my friends. I looked over and saw Lexi and Mark holding hands... Then I saw Mark kiss her cheek. I was hurt. I decided to ignore them and we continued to go get food.

-Lexis POV-
While we were walking to get food I turned around and saw Weston.. He was with Mario, I know him because Caroline watches him too.

"Everything okay?" Mark asked me. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Let's go" I said and have a fake smile. "If you say so princess" he said and kissed my cheek.

(A/N: Ahh! We are so close to 3k reads! I'm so happy, this book has came so far! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I might update again later! Bye cutiess❤️)

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