Chapter 4

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"Lexi wake uppp" it was Caroline. I groaned and said "ugh no whyy?" She said "We leave today." I completely forgot that we were leaving today. I also forgot that the boys room was right beside of us and they could use the conjoined door to get in without having a lock. I was getting out of bed when Hunter came through the door.

"Heyy" he said. "Um, you could have knocked" then Caroline came in and jumped on top of Hunter. "Hey cutie" she said. "Wassup gorgeous?" "Not much.. Except for the fact that we have to leave today." she said with a sad face. "Noo don't leave me!" Hunter said as he hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek.

I got tired of watching them flirt so I ran to the bathroom to get ready. We were not planning on staying anywhere over night but luckily Caroline brought some extra clothes just in case. I put my outfit on (one in the picture above), brushed my teeth then I decided to straighten my hair.

When I walk out of the bathroom Caroline goes in after me. I get my stuff together, I didn't really have anything but my clothes from yesterday and my phone charger and headphones. I grab my phone and put it in my back pocket.

Caroline walks out of the bathroom and I say "So what's with you and Hunter?" "I don't know, I mean I really like him but we live in North Carolina and he lives in Arizona. I don't know what to do." She said. "I'm really sorry Caroline. Maybe you could get his number and ft and call him and then you can plan to meet up sometime." I told her. "I don't know but I'm going to hang out with him until we leave." She said as she walked to the boys room. Out of nowhere someone else walks thorough the door.

•Weston's POV•
I decide to go see Lexi since they were heading back today. We didn't leave until tomorrow because we had another M&G planned for tomorrow too. When I walk to Lexis door she doesn't see me come in and I can't help but stare at her. She was so beautiful and I didn't want her to leave. She looked up from her phone and looked at me.

Lexis POV•
I was about to post a picture with the guys from the M&G but then I heard the door open and figured it was Caroline so I payed no attention to it. When I looked up from my phone I saw Weston just looking at me smiling. "What are you smiling about?" I asked him. "Oh nothing" he said blushing. "So your leaving today?" He asked. "Yeah I don't want to but I have to go" "Ugh man I'm going to miss you very much" "I'm going go miss you too" I told him and before I knew he had ran up to me and hugged me really tight, like he never wanted to let go. I hugged him back and we stood there for a couple of minutes.

"Did you know that you live in North Carolina?" He asked me then laughed. "Um yeah I'm pretty sure I live there. Why?" I told him and giggled. "Oh because obviously I live there too and we can hang out". "Yeah but we live like 2 hours away" I told him. "We can make it work" he smiled.

About 5 minutes of me and Weston talking I needed to go say goodbye to the rest of the boys. I ran over to there room and was greeted by a smiling Mark. When he saw me he hugged me. Then I saw Blake, Hunter, and Jacob.

We talked for about an hour or so before it was time for us to leave. I was so sad. Everyone was especially Weston and Mark, wonder why? Caroline's mom was already downstairs waiting for us so we could leave. We all made sure we had everyone's number so we could ft and stuff.

Weston pulled me aside and said "I really wish you could stay" "I wish I could too, I've had a lot of fun this weekend." I told him back. He gave me a tight squeeze and out of no where he leaned in and kissed me... "Awe look" I heard Blake say. We all laughed. I looked over at Caroline and saw her kissing Hunter as well. I told Weston I had I had to leave and we all said our final goodbyes.

While I was getting in the car Caroline followed me. "So you and Hunter?" I asked. "I don't know. I really like him but we live so far away! I'm going to have to plan a trip or something to see him. So what's going on with you and Weston?" She said. "I don't know but we are going to plan to meet up since we don't live that far away. "Oh that's cool" she said.

I put my headphones in and drifted to sleep until we got home. I usually am by myself all the time because my parents work all the time. So when Caroline's mom dropped me off me and Caroline said goodbye and I went up to my room. I got changed into my onesie an laid in my bed replaying what happened today in my head.

I was almost asleep when I got a message. It was from Weston. (W=Weston || L = Lexi)
W- I hope you got home safe beautiful, Goodnignt❤️
L- Thank you, and I did. I was almost asleep when you texted me. 🙃
W- Did I wake you up? I'm sorry. I have to go now I hope you sleep well.
L- Goodnight❤️

After that I could not fall to sleep. What was I thinking? I just met Weston I couldn't like him. And I was to ugly for someone to ever like me... I kept thinking about it and soon I drifted to sleep.

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