Chapter 12

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We made it to my house and went in. Everyone stared at us. Then I remembered that Mark and I were still holding hands so I let go. He looked at me with a sad face but I looked away.

Caroline ran up to me and gave me a big hug. "Where have you been?? We've been worried sick. You leave and then don't tell your bestie anything." I looked down. "I'm sorry, I just had a lot on my mind." I said.

I went to the kitchen, obviously because I love food. I went into the fridge and grabbed a Coke and then to the freezer for some icecream. I went back and sat down on the couch.

"Want to watch a movie?" Blake said. "Sure" we all said back. "Okay which one?" He said. "How about a horror movie?" He said with a smirk. I absolutely hate horror movies and so does Caroline. Obviously he knew that.

The boys all nodded but me and Caroline said no. "C'mon it will be fine" Hunter said. "Fine" Caroline and I said. He put in the movie "UnFriended" and we made some popcorn and started to watch the movie.

I was sitting beside Mark and Weston.. I didn't want to but there was no place else to sit. It didn't matter anyway's because my eyes were glued to the screen.. That was until a really unexpected and scary part came on and I got scared and dug my face into the closest shoulder I could find.

"It's okay" he said. It was Weston. I didn't say anything back. I just kept my head on his shoulder and continued to watch the movie.

I guess I must have fallen asleep during the movie because everyone was yelling "Wake up Lexi" and shaking me. I groaned. I was so tired. "Noo I'm sleepy" I said. Then suddenly I was being picked up and carried.

I didn't say anything because I was to tired to. "It's okay beautiful I'm taking you up to you're room so you can rest" it was Weston. Whyyy? I didn't want to talk to him or look at him, or be near him.

He finally laid me down on my bed and kissed my forehead and said "Goodnight" and started to walk out of my room before I said "Thank you". Then he smiled and left.

I decided to tweet @heyyitslexi: "I'm glad your back☺️" that was meant towards Weston but I didn't tag him because he probably knew it was meant for him.

Then I went to sleep.

(Skip to later on that night)

I woke up and looked at my phone, it was only 5:00 am!! WHYYY AM I UPP! I put my phone down and tried to go back to sleep but it didn't work so I just decided to get up and start my day.

I needed to be up early anywase because the boys had their M&G today and had to be there by 10:00am. So I went downstairs and made some waffles and a smoothie and followed and retweeted and liked some posts while I was eating.

If you didn't know I kind of blew up on Younow, I had almost 100k fans! So technically the boys said that I could be in the M&G with them so I am!

After I ate I went back upstairs to get ready. I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I decided to curl my hair and wear a baseball tee with shorts and my red vans.(Pic Above) Then I put my hair up into a messy bun. I put on light makeup then went back downstairs.

Nobody was up yet and it was 7:00. I decided to go wake everyone up so I went down to the basement. I had a very good plan to scare them so they would wake up. I turned all of the lights out then took my phone and my speaker and played a song.

It was really loud. Louder than I expected. All of a sudden a heard thud after thud. I turned the music off and then turned the lights back on. I walked over to see all the boys "dog piled" on top of each other from where they fell.

I laughed so hard! They all looked at me with the 'why did you do that' stare. I said "It's 7:00 and we have to leave before 10. So get up!" I said before I went to go wake up Caroline.

But my surprise she was already awake and dressed and ready to leave. "Wow you're up? I was just about to wake you" I said. "Yep, you're not the only one who can get up early, now I'm going to go eat" she said and I laughed.

I walked with her in the living room where the boys were ready to leave for the M&G. We still had about 1 hour left before we had to go to sound check so we decided to go to Starbucks.

We arrived at Starbucks and got in line. Then Weston got in front of me and took a random selfie. I wasn't even paying attention. I looked like a burnt zucchini.

"Please delete it Weston" I have him the pouty face. "Too late!!" He said and smiled. Then he whispered "I'm glad I'm back too" in my ear. I smiled and he hugged me.

Then we got to the front of the line and I ordered a Caramel Frappé because that's my favorite! Then everyone ordered after me. We sat down and waited for our names to be called.

"Lexi, Weston, Mark, Caroline, Hunter, Blake, Jacob" they called. We all went to go get our drinks and then we headed to the M&G.

(Skip to M&G)

We arrived and there were tons of supporters screaming and yelling. While we got out of the car there were lots of security guards holding the crowd back.

We walked into the place and went to the back for sound check. But before we got there we ran into a familiar face...

(A/N: Cliffhanger!! I'm so sorry it took me this long for a new chapter! I've been so busy with school and stuff! But thanks for 700 views!😅 New chapter tomorrow! Stay tuned to see that familiar face! Comment who you think it will be😉
Bye cutiess❤️)

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