Chapter 27

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I walked downstairs to see everyone, Mark, Weston, the rest of my friends, and my mom...

I was only halfway down the stairs so they didn't notice me. I tiptoed down the rest of the way aiming for the door but before I could get there someone grabbed my wrist.

I turned around, it was Mark. I feel the tears coming. I pulled away from his grip and ran towards the door. I opened it and ran out.

I heard footsteps behind me but I didn't feel the need to stop. I needed to get away from them. I needed to leave. I need time for myself.

I kept running, faster and faster. The footsteps behind me were becoming faint. I didn't stop running, I needed to get away from here.

Ahead of me is just road. Nothing more. I don't know how far I ran but I looked up and saw a sign. It read "Thanks for coming to North Carolina, come back soon!"

I must have ran really far... Am I going to do this? Am I just going to leave everything behind, my friends, family, Mark, my mom...

Yes. I need to. I have to. I walked up to the sign and said "It was a good run, but I need a break" and then I kissed my hand and slapped it on the sign.

This was it. I walked past the sign. I felt free, alive, ready for a new start. I looked at my phone, it was 12:00 pm.

It was blown up with text messages from everyone. I ignored them. I decided to walk in the woods, just to explore and take my mind off of things.

I was walking when I saw a lake. I walked up to it. It was crystal clear, it was beautiful.

Then I heard something in the bushes move. I turned around, "Who's there?" I say really loud. Then the bushes move again.

After about a minute something came out of them. It was a boy?! (Pic above) What is he doing out here? He has the most gorgeous blue eyes, brown hair, he's wearing a blue t-shirt, jeans, and had on some white converses.

I examined him for a minute and he must have realized it. He cleared his throat. "Hello, I'm Jason. Who are you?" He asked. "I-I'm Lexi. Why are you out here?" I asked.

"I could say the same thing for you." He said. "Touché" I smirked. "Do you want to sit?" He asked. I nodded my head and we sat down.

"So what's your story? Why is such a pretty girl like you out here all alone?" He asked. "Well you see, it's a long story..." I started.

"Well I have time" he said. I nodded my head and started telling him everything that happened in the past couple of days.

After I had finally finished all he could say was "Wow.. I'm so sorry Lexi. So you just decided to run away from everything? Why?" He asked.

"I don't know... I just need a break from that right now.." I said. It got silent between us after that. "So what about you? Why are you out here?" I asked finally breaking the silence.

"My mom and dad just got divorced and my younger sister passed away about 1 week ago..." He said and started to tear up.

"I'm so sorry, Jason" I said. "It's fine, I'm just like you. A person who needs a break from things." He said wiping a tear from his eye.

"So where are you headed?" He asked. "I'm not really sure yet. What about you?" I said.

"Eh, I was thinking about heading to Cali or somewhere upstate. Just really wherever I feel like going I guess" he said and shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, do you mind if I tag along?" I asked. Might as well, we are in the same situation and we might as well have some company along the way.

"Sure, I would love the company" he said and smiled. OMG he has dimples. He's so cute! WAIT... Lexi stop thinking like that, remember Mark?!

But what if I never see Mark again? What if I decide to not come back?
What if he forgets about me while I'm gone?

"Great! So where do you want to go now? I mean there is this beautiful lake right here, we could sit here for hours... But if we want to make a move on where we want to go, then we need to leave." I said.

"Okayy, Mrs.Bossy pants." He said standing up laughing. I playfully punched him in the arm.

We walked out of the woods and back onto the road. He had a backpack of things, he probably has planned running away for weeks with all of the stuff he has.

I have nothing. I didn't plan on running away and I didn't think of grabbing anything on the way out of the house.

I haven't eaten anything since I woke up. I'm starving. The sun was beating down on me, I felt like a piece of bread in a toaster.

Jason was talking about something while we were walking. I couldn't listen or understand him. All of a sudden I felt really dizzy and everything went blurry.

Then I fell and blacked out.

"Lexi? Lexi wake up" I heard someone yell. I opened my eyes slowly. "Are you okay?" Jason asked. I slowly sat up.

"Yeah, I think so.." I said holding my head. "I think I just got hot, and I haven't ate anything since I woke up." I said.

Then I saw Jason reach in his backpack and he pulled out a water bottle and a granola bar.

"Here, eat this, you'll feel better" he said handing me the stuff. I smiled weakly and said "Thanks".

He smiled, with that million dollar smile "no problem, there's a town up ahead, we could rent a hotel and stay the night, if you want." He says.

"That's fine" I say and stand up. Jason stands up as well. He grabs his things and we walk into town.

*skip to later on*

Jason and I got our key for the hotel room. We went to the door and walked in. It had two beds, a bathroom, a tv, and everything else a hotel room has.

I walk over and sit on one of the beds. Jason sits on the other. "It has been a long day" I said. "Sure has. Why don't you get some sleep? I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight princess" he says.

"Goodnight" I say and turn the light. I laid on the bed thinking if this was a good idea or not. Should I have done this? Yes. I needed. It.

There were so many thoughts in my head. I soon fell asleep thinking about the day.

(A/N : Updateee! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Comment what you think about it. Do you think that it was a good idea for her to run away? Do you think she will come back home? Comment below! Loves you all sm! Bye cutiess💜)

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