Chapter 17

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"ASHLYN? What are you doing here?!" I asked. "Well I came over to say sorry to Caroline and Hunter for the other night again, but I walk in on this" she said. "How did you even get in" Mark asked. "I found the spare key under the mat" she said. I saw Mark end the broadcast very quickly.

"I kicked you out, you weren't allowed back" I said sternly. "Well, I thought Hunter was the only player in this house but look at you kissing Mark. I guess I was wrong. There's two players in this house." She smirked.

"What?! We didnt even kiss" I yelled. "But you were going to" she said. "Shut up" Mark said. I walked up to Ashlyn, grabbed her wrist and pulled her downstairs to the door. I opened the door and pushed her out of it "Don't come back" I said and slammed the door in her face.

"Dang, I didn't know you could have so much fire in you" Mark smirked. He walked up to me and hugged me. I pushed him off. "Mark I can't do this. I'm with Weston." I said. "Okay, if that's how you feel" he said, while he was walking away. I didn't go after him.

I just sat down on the couch and cried. I couldn't take the pain anymore. It was to hard, I ran upstairs to the bathroom. I locked myself in. I looked at myself in the mirror, why do I always make the people I care about the most go away?

There was a knock on the door.

-Weston's POV-
I just woke up and was starving. Before I went to the kitchen to get some food I decided to go see if Lexi was up. I went to her room but there was nobody in there. She was probably in the kitchen so I walked down to the kitchen but I passed by the bathroom.

I heard sobs coming from the bathroom. It sounded like Lexi, but I wasn't sure. I knocked on the door. "Are you okay?" I asked. "I'm f-ine" it was Lexi. I could tell she wasn't fine. "Please open the door" I asked.

"No." She said. "If you don't open the door I'm busting it down." I said. I heard a BANG. "Lexi? Are you okay?" She didn't say anything. "LEXI?!" Still nothing. I got really worried. I couldn't wait any longer. I busted the door open to see a sight that I never wanted to see.

I looked at her, she was just laying there. No movement. Nothing. I knelt down and checked her pulse. I could barely feel it. I started crying. I couldn't lose her. I grabbed my phone and dialed 911. "Hello, 911 what's your emergency?" They said. "It's my girlfriend, I don't know what happend. She locked herself in the bathroom and I heard a noise then busted the door down, she was just laying on the floor, I checked her pulse and it was barely there. Please I need help." I said trying to stay calm but it wasn't working.

"Okay, what's your name sir?" "Weston Koury" "Okay, stay calm an ambulance is on the way" "Thank you bye" I said then hung up. I ran down to the basement to wake everyone up before the ambulance came.

They came in and put Lexi on a stretcher. They put her in the back of the ambulance truck and I went with her. Caroline's mom took everyone else to the hospital in her car since we all couldn't ride in the back with Lexi.

I wanted to stay by her the whole time. I was scared for her, I couldn't lose her. I loved her. She meant everything to me. "We're losing her" I heard. "She needs air" the doctor said. That's the last thing I heard until everything went black.

-Marks POV-
Why do bad things happen to good people? I thought. Lexi didn't deserve this. It's all my fault. We finally made it to the hospital and went to see Lexi. Weston had passed out so everyone was outside of Lexis room with him until he woke up, and Caroline's mom was trying to get a hold of Lexis parents.

I went in to see Lexi. I was sitting beside her hospital bed holding her hand. She was cold. There was a bunch of things plugged into her to help her get air into her lungs. I started to cry.

"I'm sorry Lex, I can't help but feel like this is all my fault. I should have never kissed you. All that done was stress you out. I'm so sorry. Please don't leave me. You mean everything to me. Your so beautiful and since the first day I met you I knew that you were perfect for me. You put a smile on my face everyday . I--I love you. And I need you." I sobbed.

-Westons POV-
"Where's Lexi?" Was the first thing I asked when I woke up. I was surrounded by my friends and I was really dizzy. I tried to get up but failed. "Woah, sit down. Mark is with Lexi right now. She's not doing good Weston" Blake said. No, no no that's not true. She has to be okay. I need her.

"I'm going to go see her" I said tearing up. They said okay and I walked over to the room that Lexi was in. Before I walked in I heard someone talking and crying, then I remembered that Mark was in there. I decided to listen to what he was saying before I walked in.

"I'm sorry Lex, I can't help but feel like this is all my fault. I should have never kissed you. All that done was stress you out. I'm so sorry. Please don't leave me. You mean everything to me. Your so beautiful and since the first day I met you I knew that you were perfect for me. You put a smile on my face everyday . I--I love you. And I need you."

I heard him say through his sobs. What? He KISSED her? He LOVES her?! I couldn't take hearing this any longer...

-Marks POV-
I kissed Lexi on her forehead, when Weston came through the door...

(A/N: Ahh another cliffhanger?! Sorry😁 I really hoped you liked this chapter, what do you think will happen to Lexi? Comment your thoughts! Have a great day! Bye cutiess❤️)

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