Chapter 15

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(Lexis POV)
Blake was outside talking to Caroline because I asked him to so I could talk to Hunter. I looked at Hunter and Ashlyn. I gave Hunter the death glare and Ashlyn the same. "How could you freaking do that to her?!" I yelled.


He looked at me clueless. He didn't know what to say or what to do so he just stood there in complete silence. We stood there for a moment before Ashlyn said "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. It was a mistake... Even though it's just a game. I guess I'll be leaving now." She said looking at me.

"Don't leave. We are going to finish the game." Hunter said grabbing her wrist. I looked at him and he let go of her wrist. "Fine. But after the game we are never playing again." I said. "Agreed" everyone said in sync.

I walked outside to get Caroline and saw her and Blake sitting on the grass with her head in his shoulder. "Hey, we are going to finish the game because nobody's going to talk about what happened until we finish. So do you want to come in and finish playing?" I asked.

Caroline said "No I'm fine." Then Blake looked at Caroline and whispered something into her ear. I'm assuming it was about finishing the game because they both stood up and walked over to me. "Okay I'll finish the game but afterwards I'm going home to sleep." She said. I nodded and we headed back inside.

When we got back inside I sat beside Weston and Caroline and Blake sat beside each other. Caroline wouldn't look at Hunter, nor Ashlyn. Every time Hunter tried to talk she cut him off.
Eventually we finally finished the game and Caroline ended up going back to her house and Ashlyn left. Obviously everyone else stayed because they were still staying my house for their M&Gs that they had here.

I went upstairs and laid on my bed. I was so tired that I didn't even bother to change out of my clothes. I was slowly drifting to sleep when I heard a faint knock on my door. I said "Come in" and they walked in.

It was Mark.

He walked over to me and sat beside me. We just sat there in silence. I was actually happy because I didn't really want to talk and I was half asleep. I was almost asleep when I heard something. "Goodnight beautiful. I hope you have the best dreams..." He kind of stopped talking for a minute because he thought I was asleep. I was waiting for him to say something else and he finally did. "I--I love you..." He said.

Wow. I wasn't expecting that. After that I fell asleep.
I guess Mark went back to his room after he told me his feelings for me because I woke up and he wasn't there. I did my 'Morning routine' and put on a casual outfit. I walked downstairs to see everyone already awake and eating.

"Wow thanks for waking me up." I said in a sarcastic voice. "Hey we tried to wake you up, you wouldn't come down." Jacob said. "Haha whatever".

I walked over to the couch and sat down and pulled out my phone. I decided to text Lucas since we haven't been able to hang out since he's been in town.
(L= Lucas || Lex= Lexi)
Lex- Hey wanna hang out today?
L- Sure, tell me when and where.
Lex- Not sure yet, is it okay if I invite 2 other people?
L- Sure, be over in a bit, byeee.
Lex- Byee!

I decided to ask Gage and Madison if they wanted to hang out with us since we also haven been able to hang out.
(L= Lexi || G= Gage || M= Madison)
L- Heyy, wanna hang out today?
G- Sure, I have nothing to do today anywase:)
M- Yass, where to?
L- I'm not sure, any ideas?
G- Movies?
M- Starbuckss? ;)
L- Sorry Gage but Starbucks beats Movies anyday;)
L- And oh, my other friend is coming too? That cool?
G- Fine with me
M- ^^
L- Okay, meet me at my house in about 5?
G- Be right over
M- See you then!

I shut my phone off when the doorbell rang. I went to open it but Lucas, Gage, and Madison were already in the door. I gave them all hugs and we sat on the couch.

Mark came over to me and asked if we could talk for a minute. We walked to the basement so we could talk. "I need to ask you something" he said nervously. "Okay" I said. "So last night did you hear anything that I said before you fell asleep?" He asked. Oh no I forgot. What do I say? "Um no why?" I lied. "Oh no reason, forget it" he said sounding a little disappointed.

We walked back upstairs to see everyone laughing and talking. Still no sign of Caroline. I think Blake was texting her though. So I wasn't that worried. "Hey, we should get going Lex" Gage said. How does he know my nickname? "Okay" I said. "Where are talk going?" Weston said as he was walking over to me. "Starbuckssss" I said holding out the 's' really long.

"Okay, don't be long I'm going to miss you" he said while hugging me. Then he leaned in and kissed me. He pulled back because everyone was saying "Aweee" except for Mark. I felt so bad. I don't know what to do anymore.

(Skip to Starbucks)

We were sitting at a booth drinking our drinks and chatting, it was fun to hang out with my friends and not have drama. "Hey, we should take a group selfie!" Madison said. "Omg yass" I said. We all got to get her and took a group selfie in my phone.

"That is so Instagram worthy" I said. I went to Instagram and posted the picture(Pic above) with the caption "Love these people💜😊" and posted it.

(Skip back at home)

I was laying in my bed thinking about what Mark said. I don't know what to do, I mean do I like him? NO YOUR DATING WESTON. My thoughts were racing. There was nothing I could do but go to sleep, so that's what I did.

(A/N: I honestly don't know where this book is going😅 I hope you are all enjoying it so far, I'm trying really hard! I've not been able to update because I've been stressed with school and mess, but the weekend is coming so you know what that means!! More chapters! Yay!😍 Bye cutiess❤️)

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