Chapter 23

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I wake up hearing crashes in my living room. I jump up and run downstairs and hear laughing. I then look and find all the boys and Caroline covered in...
Baby food?

"What is going on down here?!" I almost yell. They look at me. "Sorry, we are making a YouTube video. The baby food challenge" Mark says. I look at him. "I heard a crash" I said. "Oh, I dropped a baby food bottle" Hunter said.

"Oh, well don't do that again, you scared the mess outta me" I said and laugh. They all join in and laugh too. "We are going skating later. Wanna go?" Caroline asks. "Sure, I'm gonna go get ready and then eat breakfast" I say. They nod their heads and get back to making their video. I head upstairs.

I walk into my room and go straight to my closet. This is always the hardest part of the day... choosing an outfit. After 20 minutes of me trying to pick and outfit out my closet is in a wreck.

I decided on some black leggings, a pink crop top and my white converse. I walk over to my bathroom and hop in the shower.

10 minutes later I get out and blow dry my hair and get dressed. I brush my teeth then my hair. I decided to put it into a high ponytail. My long dirty blond hair goes down my back.

I grab my penny board and walk downstairs to see the mess cleaned up and everyone is ready with their penny boards sitting on the couch broadcasting.

They don't notice me come in so I decide to scare them. I sneak up behind them and yell "BOO" they all jump and scream. It's the funniest thing.

They look at me. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Blake yells. I just laugh. "Well you guys looked to peaceful..." I laugh again. "Okay well let us go and get Lexi back.." Hunter smirks. "Bye cutiess!" He says and ends the broadcast.

"Y'all ready to leave?" Jacob asks. We all nod our heads and grab our penny boards and leave. I'm in the front of the group with Mark, and The rest of they boys, and Caroline are behind us.

I almost fall when Mark takes my hand. "I got you babe" he says. I smile and say "Thanks".

20 minutes later

We ended up going to Walmart because we wanted to get some snacks and drinks and a movie for later.

We are walking in Walmart with our penny boards in hand over to the candy isle. "I'm going to go pick a movie" I say. "Hold on, I'll go too" Weston says.

I just smile and walk away. Man why did he have to come? We were walking to the movie section and it was so quiet and awkward.

"What's up Lex?" he asked finally breaking the silence. "Nothing. I'm fine." I said and looked at my feet and kept walking. "Lex." Weston stopped walking. "I can tell when your not fine. What's going on?" I didn't say anything.

He ran up to me and grabbed my wrist. I turned around "IM FINE I SAID" I got out of his grasp and walked away. Then I stopped. I don't know why but I did. Then I just busted out into tears. Right there in Walmart. Not caring who saw me.

Then I fell down to the ground in tears. All of a sudden I was embraced by someone's arms. "It's okay princess. You'll be okay" it was Weston.

I didn't say anything. I just let him hug me because I was to depressed to care.(haha ashlyngrace22 I had to😂) "Come on Lex. I'll call an uber and we can go home. I'll text everyone and tell them where we are." He said.

I nodded my head and stood up, Weston still wrapped around me. I heard him dial someone on the phone "Hello. Me and my girlfriend need an uber--" he kept talking but I don't listen.

He called me his girlfriend. I'm not. Why would he say that? I mean I like him but I broke up with him... And I'm dating Mark.

He got off of the phone and looked at me smiling. "They are outside" he said. "Okay..." I said and just kept walking.

We got outside and saw the uber diver waiting. We walked over and got in the car. Weston told him out address and we left.

(Skip to home)

Weston and I just walked in the door. "Do you wanna watch a movie...? Or do you wanna go to rest?" He asked.

I didn't know what to do. "We can watch a movie of you want, but I'm going to change first." I said. He nodded his head and I walked to my room.

I go to my closet and grab some sweats and a t-shirt and put them on then I throw my hair up into a messy bun and walk back downstairs.

When I get down Weston is sitting on the couch with popcorn and candy in hand. I go and sit down beside him.

"So what's the movie" I asked. "I put in The Little Mermaid... I know it's your favorite" he said and I turned to him and smiled. "How'd you know?" I ask. "Well, we did used to date." He laughed. I did too.

I need to ask... "Weston, whydidyoucallmeyourgirlfriend?" I say really fast that all the words sound together. He looked at me confused.

"Say it again slower" he said. I sighed. "Why did you call me your girlfriend earlier?" I asked. He looked down. "I guess I just got caught up in the moment." He sighed. "Is that all?" I ask.

"Well... Lex I miss you. I miss your hugs, your kisses, I miss talking to you everyday. You make me happy, your my other half. I need you. I miss you. I miss us." He says.

Did I just hear what I thought I heard? "Weston I--" I started but before I finished Mark and the others ran through the door.

(A/N : Okay, so this was supposed to be up yesterday and I'm really sorry. Okay so Last night I got a hamster and named it Weston Henry (Anyone get that?) Haha whoops. Is that bad? Well I'm so sorry for not updating I've been busy and I haven't been feeling myself lately so :\ Comment what you think about this chapter! Bye cutiess❤️)

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