Chapter I: An Innocent Game of Wicked Grace

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NOTE: I do not own any aspect of Dragon Age including characters. Inquisitor Artemis is the only character of my own creation. Also don't mind the cover art. I know it's pretty terrible but I wanted something personalised so yeah haha. Enjoy.

Artemis entered the main hall of Skyhold and was met with the cacophony of its many inhabitants who were celebrating the defeat of Corypheus with good food and alcohol aplenty. Her light foot-wraps, which left her heels and toes exposed, allowed the elf to glide silently through the mass of people undetected. She wanted to head straight to her quarters and fall into the embrace of slumber to soothe her aching heart. However she only covered a few feet before she was beckoned. It was Varric who called out to her, being part of her inner circle meant he was used to her light footfalls and quiet presence.

"Moony! Come here a sec will you?" Varric's silk tunic hung open as usual, but tonight his chest was much pinker than normal, no doubt as a result of the copious amounts of alcohol he had already consumed.

Moony. Varric's nickname for her was an odd one, but one she grew fond of as she began to understand its endearing quality rather than the jibe she once presumed it to be. Artemis was not totally sure why he called her that. Perhaps it was because she was Dalish, perhaps it was because of her pure white hair or perhaps it had no meaning behind it at all. Knowing Varric it could be one or all of these reasons combined, but she had long forgotten to mind.

"Here Moony, have some of this. You'll need it." Varric smiled warmly as he handed her a crystal cup full almost to the brim with a dark red liquid. For fear of spilling its contents, Artemis quickly took a sip from the glass and was pleasantly surprised with its sweet flavour and warming effect. Varric chuckled heartily, before turning solemn. "Now that's out of the way, how are you holding up, really?"

Artemis paused, not lifting her gaze from the cup of wine. Solas. He left me, broken and raw. He took away my vallaslin that had harshly broken my clear, pale visage and then tore my heart from my chest. As much as it had hurt, I couldn't bring myself to be angry at him, never raising my voice as he turned his back on me and left me alone in the clearing. And now he is gone forever, no longer lingering in his room at the bottom of the tower.

Hot tears sprang forth and threatened to spill as she lifted her eyes from her cup to Varric's friendly face. Before she had a chance to mutter words she hadn't even thought of yet, Varric's eyebrows had raised inward to give him a look of sadness, and had set aside his pewter cup and wrapped his short arms around Artemis' waist. He rested his head on her abdomen and patted her back comfortingly, whispering soothing words of consolation.

Artemis hugged Varric back and silently let the tears fall into his hair. She quickly regained her senses and hastily wiped her tear stained face, gently pushing Varric from her.

"Thanks Varric. I needed that. I just don't know what I'm supposed to feel."

Varric looked cheerfully up at her face. "Don't worry about what you are supposed to feel, Moony. Just feel. And drink." He nodded up at the glass she still held. "Trust me, despite all his knowledge, Chuckles is clearly a fool to leave you and the Inquisition. Take your time and do what you do best, rationalise. You don't need that egghead to make you happy."

Artemis was grateful for his advice and thanked him before downing the entire glass. Varric's eyes widened before grinning happily. "There you go. Now go get yourself another and try to have a good night. Don't stow yourself away when you have so many friends who can help you through this. I mean shit, I even heard Vivienne say she was worried about how you were doing." He laughed to himself before shoving her backwards into Dorian who had made his way toward them.

I am but your Humble Servant *a Dragon Age: Inquisition Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now