Chapter V: Love recognised with a Rose

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AN: Wow, all I can say is I'm sorry. So, so sorry. Funny how life always finds a way to interrupt everything. But no excuses this time, and for anyone still interested in this not very good story, here is your long awaited chapter. Boy I feel terrible, and this shorter than normal part makes me feel worse but I just wanted to give you something at least... So enjoy, or don't...I completely understand.

Unable to sleep soundly, Artemis awoke to the hazy glow of the campfire which was still blazing with the same intensity as when it had been lit by the Tevinter mage. She stared into the fire and thought about those people rumored to be able to find fortunes within the licking flames. She sighed and peered around her group of fellow travellers smiling to herself as she saw them sleeping soundly as she could not. Dorian was curled up in his bundle of cloth with Bull not far away, no doubt trying to steal some of the mage’s warmth for his own. The harsh Ferelden winter was not a pleasant season for stubborn qunari. Sera was laying on her stomach with her hands tucked under herself and her ragged coat draped over her body, while Cole was on his back perfectly straight and unmoving. Artemis thought to herself that he mustn't be fully used to or conformable with the concept of sleeping yet. She quietly chuckled to herself before realising that she hasn't spotted Varric yet and began searching for him, her heart rate slightly elevated in mild panic. She came across him standing at the mouth of the cave however and sighed in relief before slowly rising to join him.

“Couldn't sleep either Varric?” Artemis queried softly.

“Nah,” he offered before letting out a sizable breath he'd been holding. “Haven't really had a full night's rest since Kirkwall…” He trailed off.

“I'm sorry Varric. It must have been awful.” Artemis bowed her head in respect, thinking about all those lives lost in the horrific events at Kirkwall.

Varric simply let out a small grunt of affirmation before leaning against the rocky side of the cave, finally pulling his eyes away from the steady rain to look at the elf. “What's got you tossing and turning though Moony?”

Artemis looked out to the darkened plain they had been riding through the day before, wondering what exactly was the cause of her insomnia. “I'm not sure Varric, this whole thing with Solas-”

She was cut off by Varric’s small yet strong hand grasping her arm. “What have I told you about Chuckles? He was a fool and there is no room in your life for fools. You're too young and pretty.” He laughed earnestly, meaning every word he spoke.

“I know Varric. I've put him past me. But that whole experience has just got me thinking. Can love born from dark times like this really last? Take Dorian and Bull for example, what they have is more than a simple tryst, but soon Dorian will be travelling back to Tevinter and I am not sure he would allow Bull to go with him even if he wanted to. So my worry is this, how can they possibly make what they have work. Surely it is bound to end in heartache, is it not?”

Varric smiled sadly at Artemis before speaking. “Oh Moony, you and your big heart always worrying about others. Haven't you heard of the great romance of the last Blight?”

Artemis raised an eyebrow in Varric's direction, “I'm Dalish remember, I haven't heard of many things regarding humans.”

“Well I'm sure you have heard of Ferelden’s great King Alistair and his dear wife Queen Elissa.”

Artemis nodded her head in approval, recalling the pair's personal appearance after the mess of Corypheus had subsided. She remembered how the King had gazed with pure adoration at his red-headed wife while she addressed the people, as if she was the only one in his presence in all of Thedas. Artemis smiled to herself as her heart sang with bliss just thinking about the love shared between the two.

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