CHAPTER IX: Brass Kisses on the Mantle

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Although Artemis' cheeks burnt, she was overwhelmed with joy and relief. She opened her eyes to see Cole's face, also dusted with a pink blush, adorned with a small smile. Tears sprang forth as she too smiled, before giggling softly and looking down, blissfully bashful. Cole moved his hand from her cheek to her narrow chin and tipped her head upwards, meeting his gaze with hers. He raised his other hand and brushed the falling tears from her face. "Why are you crying? I am so sorry for making you sad, do you wish me gone?" His voice was quiet and unsure, completely different from how determined it had been before.

Artemis' heart dropped and she was quick to act. She threw her arms around Cole's narrow shoulders and leant her head against his warm chest. She was comforted by the beat of his heart and she whispered, "of course I don't want you to leave. I never want to be apart from you Cole." She heard his heart skip and change its rhythm, and she brought a hand to his chest, feeling it aswell. My sweet Cole...I never thought this day possible.

Cole threaded his fingers through her long hair as he embraced the lady leaning against him. Spirits her hair is so soft. He inhaled deeply, taking in the sweet scent he had only smelt a handful of blessed times. How she puts every flower's perfume to shame is beyond understanding. Cole placed his free hand over hers resting on his chest, and noted it's feeling. Her hands are so small and delicate, like a fragile doll without the cold lifelessness. Yet with such agility and accuracy does she wield that strong bow of hers. Oh how she contradicts her very being, if only I could express these sentiments to her.

Cole felt Artemis' arms tighten around his body before she whispered, "why me, Cole?"

He faltered. Why? How can I explain this feeling to her without forgetting even the tiniest of detail? He rubbed his thumb idly in circles on the back of her soft hand as he tried to convey his deepest emotions to the elf in his arms. "From that very first moment you fell into my world, so too did you fall into my heart. Your inaudible cries of pain and hurt filled my ears as that demon tried to become you, but that mockery could only muster a pale imitation of everything you were. I followed you, just shy of your senses, from the beginning, protecting you from unseen evils as you struggled not to doubt yourself before the projections of your dying companions. And when I finally revealed myself to you, you could have run or lashed out in violence like so many before you. But you stayed and you listened. And when I appeared on your table in front of all your skeptical advisors, you defended and you pleaded. For me."

"Rarely, both within the Fade and without, had one stood up for me, the spirit, the demon, the forgotten boy. But here I had bore witness to a human elf, possessing no magic and no knowledge of my past, who stood at sword point to guard an odd boy in an oversized hat she had barely known. My heart had ached, and I had no idea why. During my time in Haven, as Varric began teaching me things, I could always feel you, all your pain and apprehension and guilt and sadness. When you would take me beyond those low walls of that snowy village, I was overjoyed, although unknowingly, for I got to travel at the side of my compassionate saviour."

Artemis raised her head to look at the face of the young man which was darkened by shadows thrown by the low light of the hearth. She reached up and removed the beloved hat from Cole's head and rested it gently on the mantle. Turning back to his face she noticed the tears that were welled in his eyes. She felt an immense sorrow looking at the innocence of the boy before her. She held his face in her hands. "C-Cole I had no idea that…that you felt this way so early. Why didn't you say something. I feel like I've burdened you and by gods that is the last thing I want to do to you."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2016 ⏰

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