The Scorch Trials: Romeo & Juliet

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A/N: I kind of wrote a Part 1 for this chapter. It's titled: The Maze Runner: Romeo & Juliet. You don't have to, but it'll talk more about their romance. Just change the chapter, it's up to you! Thanks for reading, by the way!

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Thomas was crawling through the vents with Aris, curious to find out their true purpose at the strange facility. They jumped down to the floor quietly, careful not to make a sound.

Thomas pulled out the identification card he stole from earlier, scanning it to allow access to the two boys. The doors opened shortly, as they stepped into the lab-like room.

Their eyes were wide, jaws slightly agape. It was a lot to take in. On their left, it had looked like they were breeding insects. Large insects. Something about the strange creatures reminded him of something. He just couldn't figure out what.

Thomas followed to where Aris had been standing. He was standing in front of a girl, with dark brown hair. Thomas almost thought it was Teresa. He looked at Aris, who's eyes were getting watery.

"R-Rachel... They took her the first night.... I told her it would be okay."

Thomas looked around him. They were surrounded by others, in positions much like Rachel's. They were hanging, their feet not touching the ground. There was a kind of serum being collected from them. A blue liquid.

Thomas' eyes stopped at one girl in particular. How could he not recognize her? It was her. Y/N, the girl Newt loved. And lost. Y/N was a Group A Glader, just like Thomas. He had been good friends with her, but the day they arrived at this facility, she had disappeared.

Aris found his way beside Thomas. Thomas stared at the girl for a while. Newt was probably dying to see her, but Thomas didn't know what to tell him. Aris spoke up.

"Do you know her?"

Thomas nodded, "She was my friend. We came here together, then they took her."

Aris was quiet. "I'm so sorry."

"What are you sorry for?"

"I'm sorry you lost her. You two must have been good friends in the Maze." Aris turned around to look at his own friend. "I wish I knew what they were going to do to her."

Realization finally found its way into Thomas. They weren't breathing. None of them were alive. Y/N was dead. He stared at the bottle containing the blue serum. WCKD.

"It's WCKD. It's them. This whole time..."

Thomas ran back to the vents, with Aris following tail. He busted the vent door open, into the room where the other Gladers had been waiting for them to return. Immediately, Thomas started piling things onto the door, blocking an entrance.

The other Gladers demanded an explanation. They all definitely needed one, but the detail had to wait for later.

"It's them. It's WCKD. It's always been them!"

The others helped Thomas block the door with mattresses. Newt stopped beside Thomas, as the others started crawling through the vents after Aris. "What's the plan?"

"We get out of here."

Newt looked like he was opposing Thomas. "What about Y/N? We can't just leave without Y/N."

Thomas pretended not to hear Newt, and crawled into the vents. Newt had the right to know what happened, but Thomas couldn't find the courage to tell his friend.

Newt followed after his friend, anyway, although he wanted to find Y/N so badly. The Gladers found Teresa, and were able to find a gun to use against the other WCKD staff. Their escape had succeeded.

They were out of the facility, hiding behind the large hills of sand. Thomas was ducking beside Teresa, who was staring at the facility with furrowed brows.

"Where's Y/N?" Frypan asked, "Please don't tell me we just left without her."

Teresa lead the way towards a safer place to talk. It was a sheltered area, almost like an abandoned shopping mall. Everyone stopped to stare at Thomas, who was now forced for an explanation.

"Just bloody tell us what you saw, Thomas." Newt's tone was harsh. "Everything."

Thomas took a deep breath before telling the others exactly what he saw and exactly what he heard. He told them about Y/N, and how she wasn't breathing. He avoided looking at Newt. His reaction wasn't going to be pleasant.

Surprisingly, Newt was silent, but silence was just as dangerous as anger. As the others broke off into pairs to look for supplies, Thomas decided to talk to Newt. He must have been hurting. Thomas knew how much he loved Y/N.

"Will you quit sneaking up on me like that?" Newt snapped.

"S-Sorry." Thomas flinched at his own stutter. He felt like he was embarassing himself.

Newt rummaged through the drawers, looking for flashlights. "I knew something wrong had happened to her when you ignored my question back there." He paused, sniffing. "I just didn't think they'd kill her."

Was Newt crying? Thomas didn't ask.

"I hate them so much, Tommy." Newt suddenly continued, "Once I get my hands on that Rat Man, I'm tearing him to shreds."

It tore Thomas' heart to bits. He felt like he was somehow responsible for Newt's loss. Thomas had worked for this evil organisation. He was one of them.

Somewhere in Thomas' memory, he thought of a story that reminded him of Y/N and Newt. It was called Romeo and Juliet. The two lovers, separated by law, only had a short time to love before being separated by fate. They were almost exactly like Y/N and Newt.

Thomas looked at Newt apologetically. He almost apologized aloud.

"It's good we ran away, Thomas. They say they need you, specifically, to find the Cure. I say you keep running. They took everything away from me." he paused, "I say it's fair we do the same."

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