AU: The Hunger Games Part 3

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Newt and Y/N were walking through the forest together, alongside each other. Y/N had her dagger in her hand held tightly, and Newt held his spear.

Other than the two of them, there was only one more tribute left. It was a large male with dark-hair and blue eyes. He almost looked like a werewolf about to devour them.

They stopped in their tracks when they finally saw him by the Cornucopia, staring them down. He was weaponless, but his body clearly proved he didn't need any. He charged towards the pair, who were prepared to fight him.

Y/N threw one of her makeshift daggers, aiming at his chest. It stabbed him, and only slowed him by a bit. Barely, even. He continued running, ripping the dagger out of his chest. The fact that he was barely affected frightened her. She continued to throw her daggers, as he threw himself at Newt.

The pair wrestled each other, as Y/N held tightly onto her last dagger. The male threw a punch at Newt's stomach, pinning him down onto the ground. Y/N took her chance, aiming for the back of his neck. And within seconds, he was on the ground, moaning in agony. Newt tore out the dagger in his chest, giving him one final stab. And finally, the man was still. A canon sound blew off, and it brought relief to the two of them.

The two exchanged smiles before hugging each other tightly. It was probably the first time Y/N had ever felt so happy in a while. It was a good feeling. The two separated from each other when they heard squawking from above them. It didn't come from normal birds.

Y/N looked up. There were gigantic birds, a size larger than an average cat. They were not only making painful noises... The birds swooped down at them violently. Newt got a scratch on his arm from the first one. He grabbed her hand, and started to run.

"Let's run!"

They ran through the meadow together, while the birds continued to swoop. Each swoop from a bird left a scar on their bodies. It was getting extremely painful. The pair continued to run towards the forest, which provided more cover. It was unfortunate that the meadow had been so large.

Finally, the birds stopped swooping. They flew off in a different direction.

Newt turned to Y/N, "Why theㅡ"

It was in that moment when he realized he let go of her hand. He frantically retraced his steps, in search of Y/N. It didn't take long. He only had to follow the trail of blood they left behind.

He finally found Y/N, lying there in a pool of blood. He couldn't believe that he left her there, being attacked by those monstrous birds. She must have fallen while running. He could tell she was still alive. Her chest was still rising and falling.

He knelt beside her, as she opened her eyes. There was blood everywhere. It must have been easier for her to get bloodied up when she fell. It must have been easier for the birds to swoop down onto her.

A tear escaped Newt's eye, "I... I'm so sorry..." He couldn't continue speaking. 'I shouldn't have let you go.'

Y/N still managed to smile somehow. "It's okay... N-Newt..." she whispered, "You can finally go.... home now... See your.... family..... again."

Newt's eyes were filled with tears, as her hand cupped his face. "Thank.... you.... for everything.... N-Newt, I...."

Then, she was gone. She stopped talking, and her hand dropped to the ground. Newt pushed his lips against hers, his tears finally falling. He had never cried before. The feeling he felt inside of him had hurt him so much. He loved her, and she's gone.

Their lips parted, as the canon sounded through the air. She was dead.

He remembered seeing her in the hallways at school during elementary school. She was beautiful, even then. He remembered always looking for her every morning, and feeling upset whenever she was absent. Even then, he liked her. He remembered her smile. Her sweet voice, and gentle touch. He remembered her, although he now wanted to forget. Why does it hurt so much?

* * *

Two years later, Newt was 21. Nothing was the same. Everything has changed. He'd avoid walking around town to avoid being reminded of the Games. It was the worst six days of his life. He wanted to forget.

For the past two years, Newt had been living with guilt. It was every day that reminded him of her. Everyday was another day without her, but another day closer to seeing her. He continued to live his life, knowing how precious a life could be.

It was only on some nights when he'd occasionally bring out the alcohol to drink. People say that Newt drinks to forget.

Then there were some nights where he'd just stare at the ceiling and think of her. Of her beautiful smile, and their bittersweet memory together. He'd often lie there and wonder what it would be like if she were still around. Her absence made the world slightly less brighter than it originally wasㅡ not that it was ever so bright.

But it had been a privilege. Loving her was a beautiful privilege. And being loved in return was just as beautiful.

A/N: Whatever I fucked up. DoN'T HATE ME PLEASE.

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