The Scorch Trials: Jealous

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Newt couldn't stand it. He felt his eyes burning, his cheeks warming up and his hands balling into fists. He felt a frown form on his face as he noticed how close you and Minho were from each other. You were bent down on your knees, rummaging through drawers with Minho by your close side. Instructed by Thomas, the large group of Gladers split up into pairs in the abandoned building, looking for supplies. Looking for anything.

"Do ya think this'll be any use to us?"

You turned your head to see what Minho was holding up in his hand. It was a silver necklace. Although you knew he was just being sarcastic, and that the necklace was no use to either of you, you neared him for a closer look. The necklace just looked so beautiful; it was nothing you've seen before. You took the necklace from Minho's hand, gently pressing on the heart-shaped piece in the centre of a larger one. It startled you by popping open.

Minho furrowed his brow. "The hell is that?"

"I think it's a locket."

You opened it up, revealing a photograph of a woman on one side, and a man on the other side. The photographs have faded long ago, but the necklace seemed far too clean to have been left in abandonment. You couldn't take your eyes off the woman. She had looked so beautiful. So happy. You've barely ever seen anyone smile the way she did.

"She looks so beautiful." you said, smiling whilst looking down at the photo.

Minho looked over your shoulder for a closer look. He nodded in agreement.

"The two of them look so happy, too."

"Ya think so?"

You shut the locket, and it clicked. Accidentally dropping the silver necklace, you rushed to your knees to retrieve it. However, Minho beat you to it. He gave it to you with a chuckle, as you sighed in relief.

"For a second I thought I had broken it."

"Sounds like something you'd do."

You laughed, shaking your head. Minho was right. You had to be the most clumsy person he knew out of all the Gladers from Group A, even including Thomas.

"Hold up. You've got something in your hair."

You froze on the spot, whilst Minho picked something from your hair. You felt quite worried about what he had found in your hair, and even more embarrassed about it.

"Calm down, you shank. It's just lint. Must've been from the jumper you pulled on a second ago."

Just then, you felt a strong grip on your wrist. You stopped laughing, your eyes following where Minho's had been fixed. Standing there with an unimpressed stare was Newt, a bag on his shoulder. You wanted to smile to him, but your instinct told you it was the wrong time for that. Before you could ask what was going on, he tugged on your wrist, dragging you somewhere more private and away from Minho.

"Is everything alright?" you asked, "Did you find anything?"

His angered expression didn't falter, causing you to suddenly question everything: why was he acting this way?

"(Y/N), we need to talk," he asked, "You told me we needed to be more honest with our feelings about each other, so I thought I'd tell you how I've been feeling recently."

You nodded slowly, unsure what Newt was going to say next.

"I've noticed how close you and Minho have been acting around each other, and it's making me uncomfortable. It really has, (Y/N), and I feel like you've been avoiding me a lot, lately."

"I haven't been avoiding you at all, Newt," you defended, "What are you trying to say?"

"You're always with Minho, (Y/N). It's been bothering me. What I'm trying to really say here is that I'm... I'mㅡ"

"You're jealous?"

You noticed Newt's cheeks slightly reddening as he looked down. He slowly nodded, his eyes meeting with yours once again.


"Newt," you sighed, "You know how I've really disliked Minho in the past. He's one of your best friends. I just thought I'd give him the chance I never gave himㅡ a chance for the two of us to actually become friends. You asked me to try to get along with him."

Newt felt guilty, all of a sudden. All of this was for him.

"I'm sorry... I guess I was just afraid you'd end up falling for somebody else." he admitted.

You took his hand into yours, squeezing it tightly. You felt your heart flutter when he broke into a smile.

"You don't have to be afraid of anything. Believe me, Newt, I doubt anything would ever stop me from loving you."

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