The Death Cure: Goodbye

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Y/N was sitting in the front seat of the white van, a member of the Right Arm sitting on her left. Thomas had disappeared with a few others, and their job was to find them.

Y/N sighed, looking outside her window. The headlights of the van had been off, so the Cranks would struggle to notice the vehicle from afar. There were far too many of them. It was hard to believe that they all used to be human, like her. It hurt that the boy she loved was among them. Each of these Cranks could've been in the same situation as Newt. It was heartbreaking.

The van pulled over on the side. They sat there in silence. "We need to save the gas. Stay quiet. The Cranks are out lurking even this late in the night."

Y/N gulped. She was scared. So many Cranks were walking past her window, she was afraid of the realization occuring to them.

"Just stay still."

One of the Cranks were on top of the van. Y/N felt her heart pounding fast, and hard. Her hands were in her lap, shaking. All the passengers in the van jumped out of the vehicle as soon as the Crank had managed to rip the roof open, shrieking at them.

Fear had struck them all too quickly. All of them ran in different directions, running for their lives. Y/N ran into an alleyway, praying that none of the Cranks had followed her. She heard a scream from afar. The monsters must have gotten Joanna.

Y/N stopped at a dead end, her heart stopping. She was trapped. She turned  her head quickly. There was a Crank, slowly limping its way towards her. Her hands shook. Her hands found its way to her pocket, where she had kept the gun she was given earlier. She held it up, pointing it at the Crank. She had never killed anyone before. This was already too difficult for her. Even killing a Crank was considered killing someone.

As the Crank continued to get closer and closer, Y/N began to recognize the identity of the Crank. It was Newt.

"Newt..." she dropped the gun, running towards him. She threw her arms around him. It had been ages since she had last seen him. "Newt, I thought I'd never see you again."

She pulled away from him, smile fading when she saw the gloomy expression on his face. His usual kind smile was nowhere to be found.

"I told them I'd take care of you. I told them I'd kill you on my own." he said. "I would've let them kill you. But there's something I need you to do for me."

Y/N was speechless. Newt did look like he wouldn't hesitate to kill her. Did he lose his mind completely?

"Newt..." Before Y/N could even touch him, he slapped her hand away.

"I hate you. I hate you so much. Even just seeing you disgusts me."

He doesn't mean it, Y/N kept thinking to herself. He doesn't mean any of it.

"I told you to read the note when the time was right, but you failed me. You failed me, Y/N. And I hate you especially for that."

Y/N felt for the note in her pocket. She pulled it out, opening it so she could read it. It was almost too dark to read.

Kill me, Y/N. Just kill me.

It had been a message for her to kill him. This whole time, he had been asking her to kill him and she had failed to do so. How could Newt ask her to do such a thing?

"Newt, you know I would neverㅡ"

"You're being selfish, Y/N. You're being bloody selfish! You always think about yourself, but what about me, huh?! Do you think I want to live like this for the rest of my life?! Live my life amongst monsters for the rest of my life?!" his voice softened, "Do you think I want to live without you for the rest of my life?"

Y/N shook her head, tears streaming down her face. Guilt struck her heart.

"Y/N, if you ever loved me, kill me. You're only doing me a favor."

Y/N stared at the gun on the floor. All of a sudden, she hated the world. She hated it so much. She had thought that she could find something beautiful in such a saddening world, but that was soon to be taken away from her.

She picked up the gun.

"Y/N," Newt whispered, "I want you to kill me now and remember me from the Glade. Don't you forget me."

Y/N was sobbing. She couldn't believe that Newt was begging her to kill him. In that moment, all their memories since the Glade came back to her. She didn't realize that Newt had actually been there from the beginning. He was the one who pulled her up from the metal box. And that was the first time he had ever smiled at her.

Y/N jumped in surprise when Newt had punched the wall behind her. His knuckles were bloody. This was something Newt would never do. He wanted to die so badly, he was getting impatient. "Just bloody get on with it!"

Y/N slipped the gun in her pocket in refusal. "Newt, stop it. We can go back, find a cure andㅡ"

"You don't bloody get it! There is no cure! This is the end for me, okay? Why is it so hard for you to understand that?!"

"Because I love you, okay!" she screamed, "Because I love you, Newt, and I just can't bring myself to kill you. After all we've been through..." She held her hand over her chest where it hurt.

"Are you bloody insane?!" He was yelling, spit flying everywhere. The words tore out of him, his whole body trembling. then his voice dropped to an urgent, harsh whisper. The words horrified Y/N. "Just kill me."

Newt grabbed Y/N by the hand, shoving the gun into her grasp. He yanked it towards himself, forcing it up until the end of the gun was pressed against his forehead. Y/N tried to pull her hand away, but the boy was too strong.

Y/N knew she had to do it. She had to do it for Newt. It was what he wanted.  She looked at the boy, who's voice softened after yelling at her. "I know it's hard for you to do this. But if you ever loved me, you'd do it for me."

Y/N's hand was sweating. She nodded, closing her eyes. She'd do anything for the boy she loved. Even if it meant letting go of him.

He looked at her with the loving gaze of his. The same expression as when she had first met him. "I've.... never cared about someone this much." he lifted his hand, cupping her face one last time. "Thank you for loving me."

Y/N's eyes closed, as she pulled the trigger, the sound of the gun ringing through the air. It was in that moment when the last beautiful thing in Y/N's life had vanished.

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