AU: The Hunger Games Part 2

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This was it. This was the real thing. This was no longer a practice. It was only 10 more seconds until the Games began. Y/N stood on her platform, her nerves turning into adrenaline.

Tributes surrounding her were staring each other down, often taunting each other. She looked around the area in front of her, searching for the most appropriate bag of equipment for herself. She had her eye glued to the bag with a dagger on top of it.

As soon as the alarm went off for the Games to begin, she sprinted her way towards it. She couldn't fight well, but she knew she was fast. She was only three metres away from the bag when she had been tackled to the ground. Y/N almost screamed when she realized that the body thrown in her direction was a dead one.

Throwing the body aside had been the cruelest thing she did that day. She grabbed the bag and ran towards the meadow, where she crouched down to see the rest of the action unfold. She sat there for a minute, watching others fall or escape. She had to look away after a while when things started to get more gruesome. It was a bloodshed.

Then she remembered. Newt. Where was he? She hadn't been able to see him at the start of the Games. She had been too focused on the bag of supplies. Once the other tributes were out of sight, she pulled out her bag, to see all of its contents.

A plastic container. A waterproof jacket. A whistle. A dagger.

Y/N realized how thirsty she was getting. She crept through the meadow, making her way towards the forest. The forest looked like a much easier place to hide.

She knew how to climb trees. She loved climbing trees as a child. She climbed on top of a tree, smiling, proud of herself. She was off to a good start in the Games. Good start, meaning not dead.

She sat still on the tree as she heard people running through. She pushed her back against the tree trunk, holding her breath. She can't be seen. The two people down below seemed to be males fighting each other, without any weapons.

Y/N didn't look down, and only focused on remaining hidden. It was until she heard the familiar voice of one of the males. She looked down, to see that Newt was being straddled by the other male, who was about to suffocate him with his large hands.

Y/N didn't hesitate to search for the dagger in her bag. She had to help, she just had to. Even if they were supposed to be enemies, she couldn't let him die like this. She threw her dagger straight into the back of the male's neck, causing him to choke up and fall onto his side. Dead.

It was the first time Y/N had ever killed a man. It was terrifying.

Newt was getting back onto his feet. Y/N's heart was racing. She was scared. Newt could climb up the tree and try to kill her, too. She grabbed her bag, jumping down the tree. She retrieved her dagger, but before she could run, Newt grabbed her wrist gently.

"Wait," he was out of breath. "We could partner up. Help each other. I think we might be better off that way."

Y/N looked at him for a while before nodding. He was right, and she was the one who could take advantage. She couldn't fight well. She could only throw daggers with precise aim. And Newt probably needed that.

"Come on, we better find some water."

Y/N followed after him, glad she was finally going to get a taste of water.

It was like that for the next four days. The two would always have each others' backs. Y/N would do the distant attacks, while Newt would fight close-up. The harsh Games made the pair closer than they ever imagined. And soon, Newt began falling for her. She did, too, undeniably.

They were lying down, star-gazing, on the fifth night of the Games.

"The stars are so beautiful." Y/N glued her eyes to the bright display.

Newt just nodded in agreement, "At least the Capitol gave us a good view at night."

It was silent for a while until Newt spoke up again.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "You look ....worried to me. What's in your mind?"

Y/N sighed heavily, "We're in the Hunger Games. There could only be one victor, but there's the two of us. That's never going to work... In the end, we're going to have to kill each other."

Newt sat up, suddenly holding Y/N close. Y/N was crying. Her tears couldn't be hidden from the moonlight.

"Y/N, don't cry. I promise, I swear on my life. It won't ever come to that. I promise there won't be a time when we have to kill each other. I promise."

He rubbed her back gently, kissing her on the forehead. "Let's get some sleep."

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