Chapter 11

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Stiles/Thomas' PoV

"You can kill the oni. But me! Me! I'm a thousand years old, YOU CAN'T KILL ME!" A terrifying me screamed as me and a girl with strawberry blond hair move away from it.

"But we can change you," She says while stepping in front of me.

The other me looked confused as the girl kept on talking. "You can't we a fox and a wolf."
Suddenly a tall boy with brown hair that I have seen before comes up behind him. His eyes glowing red and fangs out.
He sinks his teeth into the other me's arm like a snake.

I hear him cry out in pain as a weird fire fly, flys out of his mouth. He drops to the floor.
His face starting to crack. Suddenly he falls down to the floor, his body devolving into ash in a matter of seconds.

I suddenly wake up.
Why were those strange people in my dream? Who was the person that looked exactly like me? And what the hell is the boy with the glowing eyes!

"Hay, are you ok Tommy?" Newt asks me while standing at the door coming into the bed room. He looks really tired like he hasn't slept in days (which nighter of us have).

"Yeah I'm fine. Just had a weird dream," I reply not wanting to tell him yet about my dream.

"You sure?" He asks not sounding like he believes me.

"Yeah, just go back to bed. You need your sleep especially when we are going to see Minho tomorrow," I say while lying down again.

"Ok, if you say so. Night!" He says while walking out of my room.

"Night," I mumble while immediately going back to sleep.


I wake up. The sun light shining in my eyes. I groan as I role over not wanting to wake up yet. I was never really a morning person.

I walk down the stairs still really tired when suddenly I smell the sweet smell of sausages!

"Morning!" Newt says while he puts the sausages onto two roles. He looks wide awake as he hands me my role.

"Thanks!" I say gratefully as I bite into the sausage and role.
Flavour explodes in my mouth as I swallow it. Soon in a few bites the whole thing has been devoured.

"Oh my god! That was amazing! Where did you learn to cook like that?" I ask while leaning back in my chair around a small table.

"When there was only a few of us in the glade Frypan made sure that everyone knew how too cook," he says while sitting down across from me.

"Cool,"I say while standing up, "we better get going to see how Minho's operation went."
Newt stands up behind me as we both head towards the stolen jeep.


When we enter the room that Minho's being held in the first thing I here is his positive attitude.

"I'm board shuck faces! I don't like lying down and not doing anything for more than a few hours! And what has it been? About a week!" He moans as we go to his bed side. I go on his left as Newt goes on his right.

"It's nice to see you too," I reply while sitting down onto one of the seats.

(After about half an hour)

I hear a knock at the door as Newt tells whoever is there to come in.

Next to the door is the boy and girl who both are about the same age as me and who called me Stiles the day before.

"Emm Stiles. I mean Thomas!" He stutters sounding unsure, "could we maybe talk out side for a moment in privet?" He asks with hope clear in his voice.

I look over to Newt and Minho to see what they think and they just give me a nod.
I walk to wards them as they go out into the hall of the hospital.

"We were emm, we were wondering if you would like to come over to my house soon so we can get to know each other because I have s feeling were going to be really good friends," he says quickly as the girl just stairs at me.

"Ok then, but what are your names?" I ask feeling unsure of the whole situation.

"I'm Malia and this is Scott," the girl who must be Malia blurts out.

"Ok cool, so where should I meet you?" I ask wanting to get back to Minho and Newt quickly so I can see what they think.

"Do you have a phone and we could exchange numbers?" Scoot asks while getting out his phone.

"No I don't, sorry," I say awkwardly.

"Oh, ok then I'll just write the address down for you!" he shouts over while going to get a pice of paper and pen.
Once he had written it down he came back over and gave me it.

"Thanks," I say as I folded up they pice of paper, "when should we meet? And can I take Minho and Newt along with me?

"What about on Thursday. So two days from now? And yeah you can bring them along," he says sounding excited.

I slowly turn towards the door when suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder stopping me. When I look round I see Scott staring at me with sadness and longing in his eyes.
"Please come," he says when he lets me go and walks away with Malia.

"What did those shuck faces want?" I hear Minho ask as I come walking back in.

"They want us to get to know them and to go over to there house," I say while sitting back down next to Minho.

"Seriously! And what did you say?" Newt asks quickly.

"I said yes. I mean apart from our weird first meeting they seem pretty nice," I say while remembering that Minho doesn't know about what happened with them.

"Don't worry shuck face! Newt told me everything about them," he says probably by seeing my facial expression.

"But there is another thing why I want to met them," I say scared to admit it or even say it out loud.

"What is it?" They both ask together.

"I feel like I remember them!" I say suddenly.

Thank you all so much for reading!! A new chapter should be out soon!
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