Chapter 22

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Lydia's PoV

There all going to die Lydia. All of your friends. Every last one!

Suddenly I shoot up. The voices in my head. All of them screaming!
Before I know it I'm screaming as well. Only this scream drowns out all of the other screams.

"Lydia! Lydia! What's wrong?" I hear Malia try to shout over my screams.
Suddenly I see the door swing open as people run in.

"LYDIA!" I suddenly hear Scott roar, his eyes glowing a deep read with his fangs bared.
As soon as I hear him I stop. Everything around me starts to go blurry as I fall down. Darkness suddenly covering my vision.


Scott's PoV

"Who's there?" I ask cautiously as I slowly approach the dark figure that's standing in the door way.

"Don't worry, it's me. I came to bust you guys out of here," it says as the figure steps into the light. Suddenly I can see more clearly.

"Chris," I suddenly hear Isaac say, "I thought they had done something to you guys!"

"Ha, let them try," Chris replies mockingly, "now come on! Peter and Deaton are guarding the corridors."

We all quickly walk after Chris as he leaves the room. Not wanting to get trapped in the room again.
Suddenly the screams that I heard earlier come back only louder.

"We need to get to Lydia!" I shout over her screams.
Chris quickly goes over tho the door where the screams are coming from. He swipes one of the key cards through the swiping panel and the door swings open.

"Lydia! Lydia! What's wrong?" I hear Malia shout, trying to knock Lydia out of her screams.

"LYDIA!" I suddenly roar as I step through the door.
As soon as I finish she stops screaming. Quickly without any warning she falls to the floor and faints.

I quickly run over to her but Malia beats me there. "Hay Lydia, come on wake up," she says gently while shaking her awake.
Suddenly her eyes snap open.

Slowly she looks over at me, "Your all going to die!"

"Lydia listen, we have to go ok. We don't have much time left," Chris says calmly to her while putting a hand on her shoulder despite what had just happened.
Once Chris says that she nods and stands up.

"What happened?" I ask Kira.

"I don't know, one minute were all sleeping the next Lydia's screaming and we're all trying to calm her down," Kira replies while walking towards the door with me.

As soon as we're all out I hear footsteps running up the hall.

"Please you have to help me! I can't find her! My sister, she's gone!" Alice shouts as she reached us, her top drenched with sweat and her expression clear with worry.

Hope you all enjoyed that chapter!
Sorry that I didn't update sooner but I've got really bad jet lag from coming to America.
America is awesome by the way and so hot (well where I am is anyway)! I live in Scotland and it's cold so you guys in America are so lucky you have nice weather!

Please vote, comment and follow me! Also don't forget to enter the character competition!

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