Chapter 13

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Stiles/Thomas' PoV

I walk into the room with Minho and Newt.
The same people who were at the hospital also a few more were there sitting on the sofas. There is a sofa left so me and my friends sit on it.
There are 3 sofas and a few people sitting on chairs or the floor.

"Ok let's start with the first thing, do any of you remember anything?" The man who let us in asks.
We all just shake our heads until a few words slip out of my mouth.

"Well kinda," I say quickly not knowing why I did.
Suddenly all heads turn to me.

"What do you remember?" The boy called Scott asks me.

"I don't know, I mean I had a few dreams about you guys but I'm not sure if that's me remembering or..." I say suddenly cutting off and looking at Newt and Minho who are probably thinking the same thing same thing as me.

"Or..." the man in his 50s cuts in looking interested as I talk.

"Nothing!" I say not wanting them to know about WICKED.

"So you remember us?" The girl who I think said her name was Malia said while looking really happy and excited.

"Well yeah, in a way," I say but quickly add in, "but I don't actually know who you are I only recognise some of you."

"What exactly happened to you and how did you go missing?" The girl with strawberry blonde hair asks carefully.

"I don't remember," I say quietly while looking at the floor.

"How much do you actually remember?" Scott asks curiously.

"About the last 2 months," I say not knowing exactly how long I've been kept in WICKED.

"Only 2 months!" The girl with strawberry blonde hair says looking surprised, "then what have you been doing for the last 3 years?"

"I don't remember," I say again lamely, not knowing what else to say.

"Ok emm, lets start again and maybe you'll remember us and what happened to you," the man who let us in said, "I'll start my names Derek."

"Peter," the other man next to Derek says bluntly.

"I'm Isaac," a boy my age who is wearing a scarf says.

"My names Hayden," the girl who looks a few years younger than me says.

"I'm Liam," the boy next to her says.

"I'm called Lydia," the girl with strawberry blonde hair says.

"You already know who we are," Scott says and Malia nods in agreement.

"I'm called Kira," the girl says who is next to Scott.

"I'm Melissa," the lady says while holding the man next to hers hand.

"And I'm called John Stilinski," (I don't know what his real name is so I'm just going to pretend that it is John for the sake of this book//btw I know his names now Noah, this was just written before his name was announced) the man says.

"And how do I know you guys?" I ask not actually knowing who they are to me.

"I was your best friend," Scott says quickly with sadness in his eyes.

"And I was your girlfriend until you went missing," Malia says sadly.

"I'm your father," John says.

"Wait what? Y your really my dad," I stutter, I thought that my family was dead. All he does is nod.

"And I'm your dads partner and Scotts mum," the lady next to, I guess I should call my dad says.

"And the rest of us are your pack," Derek mutters.

"Pack!" I say not knowing what they mean by it.

"Isn't that what they call a group of wolfs?" Minho says sassily.

"There is something that we should show you and your friends," Derek says looking at Scott who nods as if saying yes to something.

"Show us what?" Newt asks nervously.

"Well you see we are kind of, emm how do I put it, supernatural," Scott says as if speaking to himself.

"You have to be kidding us," Minho says sounding annoyed.

Suddenly Scott lifts up his head and we all gasp. His eyes are glowing blood red, he also has hair growing from his cheeks and he has fangs. Suddenly I remember something.

"W what are you?" Minho asks while backing away.

"He's a werewolf," I say suddenly remembering what they all are.

"You know what we are?" Scott asks in disbelief.

I nod and start to talk. "Scott, Derek, Peeter, Liam and Isaac, you are all werewolf's," I start off, "Lydia you are a banshee, Kira your a kitsune, Malia your a werecoyote, Hayden your a chimera and the rest of you are humans," I say while everyone just stairs at me.

"How do you remember that?" Lydia asks me.

"I don't know, over the last few days fragments of my memory has been coming back," I say quickly.

"Wait so you people are telling me that you aren't people and that you are actually supernatural beings," Newt says looking really confused.

"Pretty much," Peter says dully.

"We need to get out of her Thomas!" Minho says while he starts to lead me towards the door.

"Look, there not going to hurt you ok," I say while pulling my arm back.

"Sorry Thomas but I don't trust them," Minho says.

"Me nighter," Newt says while standing next to Minho.

"We'll meet you in the car," Minho says while him and Newt walks out of the door.

"I'm really sorry but I'll have to go now," I say while turning around to face everyone.

"Why can't you just stay and let them go?" Liam asks.

"Because, you don't know what we have been though together, I need them as much as they need me," I say quietly, "I'll try and get them to like you guys tho because I would really like to get to know you all better."

They just nod.
I give them an apologetic look as I start to walk to wards the door. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder.
I turn around and I see Scott.

"Maybe we could meet again?" He asks while handing me something. I look at it and realises that it's a phone.

"I know that you said that you didn't have a phone so here a new one, I've added all of our contacts onto it do we can talk," he explains. I nod and say thank you, then I turn to the door and I leave.

Hope you all enjoyed that chapter!
I should be updating soon and in the next chapter someone comes back! I wonder who it is😆

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