Scott's PoV
After meeting Stiles for the first time in 3 years, I went on a walk alone to clear my head.
At least he trusts us, I say to myself. But saying that he might not want to see us again if his new friends don't like us.Suddenly I catch a weird sent, one that I don't recognise. I start to run, following the sent.
When I reach where it is coming from I realise that it's Derek's old house that Stiles is living in....................................
About a year after Stiles went missing to take our minds off everything Derek decided to make us redecorate and do up the old Hale house that had been burnt down.
I suddenly hear people talking.
"...but first we need you to come with us. We offered them the same thing but they were too stupid not to come willingly and now look what happened to them. Now all I need to know is, what side are you on?" the first person says. He has a deep voice and sounds annoyingly smug."I'm on my own side!" I hear Stiles suddenly snap back with so much venom in his voice that I'm not actually sure that it's him.
Suddenly I hear a few grunts like they are fighting. I quickly run to the door but it's locked."Well that's your loss then isn't it," the man says then suddenly everything is quiet.
The door gives was as I push it open but there's no one inside. Not even a trace. The sent that I had has gone and somehow I can't find a trace of Stiles or his new friends ever being there.I start to panic as I quickly sprint out of the door. What the hell just happened??
I run towards the vet clinic. Hopefully Deaton know what's going on...............................
Before I enter the clinic I text the pack to meet me there.
I open the door and walk in. The air smelt like how it would in a hospital but the sent of wolfs bane and mistletoe clearly overlaps anything else."Ah Scott, how are you?" I hear Deaton asks as he comes round the door frame.
"Deaton I need your help! I was walking and I smelt this weird smell that I didn't recognise so I followed it and it led to the old Hale house that Stiles is living in, I heard voices so I went to see who Stiles was talking to but the door was locked, it soon gave way but there was no one inside and the weird sent had vanished a long with any trace of Stiles and his friends ever being there!" I say quickly in one breath.
"Ok, do you know who he was talking to?" He asks calmly while getting a book down from one of his shelfs.
He places the book down and starts to flip through the pages.
"No," I say quickly while fidgeting with my hands. Suddenly I realise that Stiles could be missing again, and this time we might not find him again. "Look I doubt a stupid little book can help us find him ok! We need to actually go out and look for him! Please, I can't loose me best friend again," I snap."Look Scott I know how you feel but this stupid little book may be the only key to finding and saving you best friend," he says while putting a hand on my shoulder.
Suddenly I here the bell for the door ringing as the pack come in.
"We got you message, what's wrong," Liam asks.
"It's Stiles, he's gone missing again!" I say as fear and sadness comes over everyone's face, even Peter looks a bit sad.
"What are we going to do?" Malia asks while walking to wards me.
"I...I don't know," I say honestly.
"I do, but I need you all to do as I say," Deaton says while walking around the table.
"Now I want 3 of you to go back to the Hale house and look around for something that may help us find him, the rest of you can stay here and help me," he explains. Me, Liam and Malia head to the door.
We all get into Malia's car and drive to the Hale house.................................
When we get there Malia quickly runs into the house to start looking as me and Liam follow.
It's been about 30 minutes and still we have no clues of where he is. Just as I'm about to give up I suddenly hear Liam shouting.
"Guys I think I've found something!" he shouts from the kitchen as we all run towards him."What is it?" Malia asks looking hopeful.
"Look," he says while stepping back from the wall that he was looking at.
Engraved on the wall is one word. WICKED!
Hope you guys enjoyed that! Sorry that it took so long but I've been really busy lately but hopefully I'll be able to upload more soon.
Thank you all for 8k reads!!! You don't know how much it means to me!
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The Wolf Runner (maze runner/teen wolf)
FanfictionWARNING!!! Do not read if you haven't read the death cure or seen teen wolf season 4!!! I don't own the maze runner or teen wolf!!!All rights go to James Dashner and Jeff Davis!!! ..................................... (Teen Wolf PoV) Stiles Stilins...