Chapter 5: How He Asks You Out

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How he asks you out:
          Harry was beyond nervous, he was freaking out. He knew he loved you but, he was worried that his nerves would get the best of him. He eventually decided to ask you right after Potions. He had given you a note right before class and couldn't wait for the time when you and him would go to a large red maple tree on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.
He left class as soon as the class ended and waited for you at that special tree. When you finally got there, he grabbed your hands and said very fast," Would y-you like to be my girlfriend?" You instantly said yes and he grabbed you into the biggest hug you had ever felt.
            Ron had invited you to met him at the Owlery. It was just after dinner so, the sky was only lit by the moon and the stars. As you walked up the stairs to the Owlery, a line of candles illuminated your path. It made you feel really cared about.
            When you finally reached the top of the stair case, a small owl sprinkled rose petals around you as Ron peeped out the words," I can't let someone else take you before I even have chance to ask you. Will you be my girlfriend?"
          You instantly wrapped your arms around Ron's neck as you say yes. He in turn pulls you close to him and hugs you with all his might.
Because Fred was a Weasley twin, he knew that his request had to be spectacular. He wanted to impress the girl of his dreams as well as make her feel special. Because of this, he instantly went to George for advice.
            George almost immediately agreed with his brother and further suggested that they use fireworks. Fred also loved this idea and started planning the event.
           The next day, you receive a small letter in which described that at 9:00 you needed  to be at the common room. You loved surprises and couldn't wait to find out what it was. The hardest part was the wait because you had to wait all day.
            When the time finally came, you looked outside the window and say the words," Date me?" When you realized it was from Fred, you felt two hands on your shoulders and saw Fred with a big grin on his face. You nod your head yes as Fred pulls you close to him and kisses your cheek.
            This was the day. After a long pep talk from Fred and Lee, he was finally ready to ask you out. You were perfect, enthusiastic, adventurous, and sweet. He couldn't wait for you to be his. He knew deep down that if you said no, he would never get over you.
          After Defense of the Dark Arts, he lead you into the Room of Requirement where he had set up an amazing firework show. It made the room look like the sky and stars. You loved the stars but, hadn't seen them in a while because of the weather. George captured you in his arms from behind and whispered into your ear," Will you'd like to be my girlfriend?"
         You immediately said yes because you thought he was the perfect guy and you wanted to be his one and only.
            After the Divination incident, Neville would always be near you and would always check up on you. At first it was sweet but, it eventually got annoying. Because of his obsession, you had felt like you were special.
And that's exactly what Neville wanted you to feel. He loved your little flaws like how you bit your quill when you were thinking.
           Also every time he would be near you, he instantly blush and start to mumble. Finally on the way to Herbology, Neville grabbed your hand and said while whispering the end," Umm, Y/n... You don't have to but, would you like to be my girlfriend?"
           Because Neville was so sweet, you automatically said yes and walked into Herbology holding hands with Neville. It was perfect.
         Because he loved your voice, he couldn't wait for your yes. After a serval weeks of careful planning, Draco had planned for you to have the best day of your life. Sadly, it didn't work out that way.
          Right after lunch is when Draco made his first move, which was a small note saying," Hey beautiful, why have you captured my heart?"
        You thought it was perfect and immediately found another one. The next note however, was from Pansy and group of Draco lovers, it said," Hey stupid leave Draco alone. He's ours so, lay off."
       As the day progressed, the notes kept getting worse and worse because Pansy had switched all the notes from Draco to her own.  Eventually you couldn't take it anymore and ran to the girls' bathroom. Suddenly you heard Pansy come in. She immediately noticed you crying and said," Hey crybaby, why don't read this last one. It's from Draco."
        She dropped a folded note into your lap and left. You opened the note and it said," Why do you even try to capture me, I will never be yours. Your stupid, an idiot, and not good enough for me. So why don't you go find someone else to love."
        That last note caused your heart to break into a million pieces. After a while of painful thoughts, you felt someone cradle you and whisper encouraging words into your ear. You soon realized it was Draco and pulled away from him, leaving him in shock. He instantly said," Y/n what happened? Why do you reject me?"
        Between sobs, you explained everything and Draco pulled you close to him, smiled and whispered," Sh, it's okay. I've got you and I have one last note for you."
       As he reached into his pocket, he pulled out a green note, that looked like the first note you got today. When you read it, your eyes dried and smiled while you said yes. Joy had filled your heart and even though the day didn't go as Draco had planned, it was just how you dreamed he would ask you.
Both you and Oliver had just beat the Slytherins in Quidditch. It was an amazing game, Oliver had blocked all of the goals and you guys crushed the Slytherins with a score of 0 to 1150. It was your best game of the season and had lead to an even more amazing night.
         It was just after the game when Oliver asked you out. He did this by taking you over the clouds as you both watched the sun set. It was truly beautiful and you really enjoyed it. It was then and there that he asked. You obviously said yes and couldn't wait for your first date.

Hi there. Thank you guys so much for 138 views. To celebrate, the next chapter will be a song preference. Anyway, the next chapter will be out really soon, I promise. Bye.

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