Chapter 27: Kiss Me?

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Kiss Me?
Harry: Harry had had enough. He felt like his immune system had been through a paper shredder, then the 7 pits of hell, and finally put back together with a few pieces missing. You noticed this as he sneezed, coughed, and craved chicken noodle soup. Now you loved his kisses and he yours but, you hated to be sick. Of course you had no problem taking care of others when they felt terrible, but you hated having a running nose and a cough. Harry though couldn't stand you not kissing him. So, one day as you were taking his temperature he politely asked," Y/n?"
       " Yes," you replied.
       " Can I have a kiss, pretty please?" He continued as he pulled you close. You try to struggle out of his grasp but eventually give in. He smirks as he plants one big kiss on your lips. When you break apart, you're both smiling as happy as can be until you sneeze.
Okay so here's how it went down. News was going around that Lavender Brown had kissed Ronald Weasley at the Gryffindor party after the "best" game of the year. Of course, you were there and hadn't seen a thing while you stood by Ron's side the whole time. Nonetheless the rumor continued to spread and Lavender was more than happy. She was ecstatic. People assumed that her and her crush were together and that was great. But, only she, you and Ron knew that it wasn't true. At the last game of the season, in which Gryffindor won, there was another party. And this time, Ron pulled you close and ask," May I kiss the perfect lips?"
      " Of course," you reply just before your lips collide. The Gryffindor common room is enlightened with your love and as the party continues everyone finally knows the truth.
       Now it wasn't likely that Fred would be all cuddly but, when he was, it was great. And today was one of those times. Once the school day had ended, you both reluctantly marched your way to detention with Professor Umbridge. You knew what it was and couldn't wait to use your own blood as ink. When you got in there you sat down and were a given a pen, some parchment, and instructions to write I will not cause trouble 45 times. So Simple but, so painful. You both clenched your jaws, not wanting to give Umbridge the satisfaction of knowing the your were in pain. After two long hours, your two were sent free. You snuck your way to the Gryffindor common room. And when you finally made it, Fred pulled you close and said," Well that's the last. Hey, at least we got matching tattoos."
You chuckle only Fred Weasley can turn this around. Fred continues with," How about a kiss Y/n? Just like the one in the library."
Without replying, you place your lips on his and give him a sweet short kiss. He tries to get another one but, you're already up the girl's dorm's stairs saying goodnight. He smiles knowing that he loves dentition because dentition, in his mind, equals a kiss from his favorite witch.
         You and George had been dating for about a year now and you guys hadn't even kissed yet! Not that you were complaining, it just felt that he wasn't into you as much as you were into him. This worried you. Meanwhile, George felt exact same way. So, you both were stuck worrying that your boy/girlfriend would break up with you. One day, as you and George were hiding in a broom closet escaping the nasty glare of Professor Snape,  he said," Y/n I need to kiss you."
      "And I you," you reply as he smashes his lips into yours. You both smile, knowing how much your partner loves you.
     You and Neville were just strolling through Hogsmeade. Snowing was falling. Christmas was near. And Neville looked cuter than ever. You both had gotten butter beers at The Three Broomsticks and were talking with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Suddenly, all the boys had to mysteriously go to the bathroom. You and Hermione continued talking until Neville stood right in front of you and stole a kiss. I guess all he needed was a little pep talk to do it a second time.
        Now neither you or Draco like to show PDA, but there came a time when it was needed. You were taking to a fellow Gryffindor by the name of Lee Jordan. He had been deeply in love with you since the second year and couldn't wait to he to know you better. As he terribly failed to flirt with you, Draco stood watching, really wanting to punch Lee really hard in the face. Anyway, he knew you hated when he hurt someone on account of you. So, he had to devise another way. After a little bit of think, he knew what to do. He came behind you a wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on your shoulder. Eventually Lee got the idea and skedaddled. You turned around, gave Draco a quick peck on the lips, knowing  that's all that he wanted for saving you, and headed to your next class. He smiled happily, knowing you're the one for him. 
     After very stressful game, you and Oliver were just siting in the locker room. He and you were talking about how you could improve and what mistakes your team made. Suddenly you snuggle up to him and listen to him breathing and talking. You loved how confident he was when he talked about Quidditch. After a long day of school and a game you were ready to go to sleep. It so happened that you fell asleep on Oliver. He smile at you and peck your lips. Your eyes immediately flew open. He blushed awkwardly. But you just smiled and asked," Will you kiss me again?"
      " Of course my dear," he said as he kissed you once again.

     Hi there. I am sorry that I didn't inform you that I was taking a small break to get my ideas in order. I apologize for making you all wait for so long. Thank you so much for -66k- views!!! It means a lot to me. A diary entry will be posted soon to celebrate. As always, new chapter soon. Bye.

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