Chapter 62: Decorating the Tree Together

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Decorating the Tree Together
    Christmas is the best time of the year. Everyone is just happier, and you get to see all your family. It was Harry's and yours first Christmas together. Your favorite thing to do was to decorate the tree. You loved the ornaments, especially the handmade ones. Your family made a new collection of handmade ornaments every year. This year Harry joined the fun tradition. As glitter flew everywhere and construction paper was folded and cut into snowflakes, Harry worked tirelessly on his ornament. He wanted to make it extra special for you. When it was time to place the ornaments on the tree, Harry excitedly hid his among the branches. As you admired the rest of your family's ornaments, you searched for Harry's. You finally found it hiding behind a glass ornament. Harry had drawn the two of you inside his heart-shaped ornament. You loved it immediately! And hugged Harry as you told him that his ornament was perfect. Harry responded cheekily with a "not as perfect as you," just before he gave you a sweet kiss.
Of course Ron's favorite part of decorating was stringing popcorn and other goodies onto a string to hang on the tree. He especially loved to sneak a few kernels and enjoy their sweet and salty taste. When you and Ron spent your first Christmas together, you joined in on the delicious tradition. Ron kept munching on the kernels. At first, you didn't mind it. But, when he had eaten almost all of them, you started to tease him about it. Ron just smiled at you, and popped another kernel in his mouth. You stared at him in sarcastic disbelief before he shoved a kernel in your mouth just before his kissed you sweet lips.
Fred loved putting the star on top of the tree. It was always his honor to put it on because he was the tallest—well he shared that award with George of course. When you came around, you too had always put the star on top of the tree. While Fred loved doing it every year, he stepped aside so you could do it. When you saw how sad he was, you felt your heartstrings being but. Then you had the most brilliant idea: You could put the star on the tree together! Fred loved the idea instantly. Together, you placed the sparkling, beautiful star on tope of the tree. Fred loved sharing putting the star on the tree with you so much that ever since you two have always put the star on the tree together.
George's favorite part of the tree were the lights. He loved how they changed different colors, could flash on and off, and just really made the tree stand out. The first you spent with George all of his lights stopped working. He couldn't just use 'reparo' to fix it because he was at your Muggle parents' house and because he hadn't turned seventeen yet. You knew how sad George was that there would be no lights on the tree this year, so you went out and searched for lights just like his. While it took you quite some time to find the matching pair, you succeeded and made George's Christmas very happy and bright!
Neville loved lighting the candles on the tree. While your family didn't put candles on your tree to prevent it from catching on fire, Neville took that risk every year for the beauty that came with the candles. Because he knew how much you would love it, he brought his own candles—and matches—to your house for our first Christmas together. When everyone except you and him had gone to sleep, he placed the candles on your tree and lit them while you turned off all the lights. With only the tree and the fireplace as your light, you saw how beautiful your tree looked. It almost brought tears to your eyes. All Neville could do was smile becasue he knew that he had made your Christmas a little bit more special.
You had never had a real Christmas tree before. Your grandmother was deathly allergic to pine sap, and your parents—logically—didn't want to take the risk. So you always had—as you called it—an umbrella tree because it opened up like an umbrella when you took it out of its box. Draco knew how much you had always wanted a real tree so he insisted you spent Christmas with him and his family. When you arrived at the Malfoy Mansion, your eyes went immediately to the large pine tree standing in the living room. As soon as you greeted everyone, Draco dragged you into the living room where tons of ornaments lay so you could decorate the tree together.
Oliver of course loved Christmas, but he especially loved decorating the tree. His family put a train underneath their tree every year. Oliver loved setting up the train track with his younger brothers and watching their faces light up when it spun around the tree. You had always loved how caring and loving Oliver was with his younger brothers. So when you saw them partake in this normal holiday tradition, your heart skipped a few beats. Because of this, faster than the blink of an eye, you were on your hands and knees playing with Oliver and his brothers.

Hey y'all! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. This is Day 3 of 12. As always, new chapter soon. Have a great day!
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