Chapter 42: Song Preference VIII

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Song Preference VIII: 'Team' by Noah Cyrus and MAX
Harry: So whenever you're losin' I'll celebrate ya, appreciate ya. (Harry POV)
We lost so many people. And it's all my fault. It's always my fault. Even though the Battle was three years ago, I am still feeling the repercussions. The war holds such an effect on me that it's almost driving me insane. I am constantly reminded of who we lost. I am constantly reminded of my grief and pain.
"Harry? Harry, I'm here. What's wrong?" Y/n states as she rushes over to me.
"Oh, Y/n. I need you right now. Please stay with me," I plead.
"You don't even have to ask me that anymore. I'll stay forever, Harry."
As soon as those words leave her mouth, I remember every single time I've failed and how Y/n was always there to show me that I'm still worth something and that it's okay to make mistakes. One time keeps playing over and over again in my head: the day the Gryffindor lost the House Championship game against Slytherin.
We had played a hard game against Slytherin and were constant neck and neck with them. I tried my best to catch the snitch, but I never did. The Slytherin seeker caught it and Slytherin beat us by ten points. The Gryffindor team sullenly walked back to the changing room. After a long talk with Wood, I found Y/n waiting outside the changing room for me. She stood there, smiling like nothing bad had happened.
"You did great Harry! I'm so proud of you!" She exclaimed.
"Wait—are you serious?! I didn't even catch the snitch," I replied.
"It doesn't matter if you caught the snitch or not. As long you tried your best, that's all I care about. You did try your best, right?"
"Of course I did. But, my best isn't good enough anymore."
"We both know that Gryffindor lost the House Championship. And we both know that I'm all about self-improvement. But you need to go easy on yourself. I know that you did your best and maybe this time it wasn't good enough, but don't let that stop you. There will be many more games and Wood still has one more year before he graduates to win the House Cup. Don't let him get to you."
The memory fades as I smile to myself. As I sit down, Y/n snuggles into me as her melodic voice consoles me.
"You know Harry that the war wasn't your fault. And that nobody hates you because they lost someone. If they have any sense, they will know that their loved one died for a good cause."
"Thanks Y/n. I just wish no one had to die. But, I'm so lucky to have you—" I stop as I hear Teddy scream. I continue with a chuckle, "And Teddy."
Y/n rushes to Teddy and she cradles him in her arms. Y/n sits back down next to me with Teddy. She smiles at me as I wrap my arms around her and Teddy. I know that we are young, but we both love each other so much. We understand how to appreciate, celebrate, and be there for our partner.  And in the long run, these are some of the most important things in any relationship.
Ron: You know me (Ron POV)
    "Everybody listen up! We need to keep calm! I understand how you are all feeling, but we need to keep a level head. I know that five former Death Eaters have escaped. We will find them! I need nine volunteers to come with me to find these rascals. Who would like to come?" Mr. Robards states as the office finally calms down. His words replay in my head as the week presses on. I chose to go. Thank Godric that I am finally on my way home!
    "Ron is that you?" Y/n exclaims as she comes running towards me as I come through the front door. We embrace as she continues with, "I was so worried about you!"
    "Well, I'm safe now. And I will always come back to you no matter what," I state as Y/n begins to examine me for scarps and bruises.
    She runs her hand over a large gash in my cheek as she gasps and states, "Ron, what happened?"
    "There was this Death Eater and—"
    "And you had to fight him alone. May I ask where your partner was?"
    "He was busy."
    "Yes. Harry was busy with the other rascal."
    "Of course! I just hate seeing you hurt," She states as she runs her hand over my cheek once again. I flinch at the pain the simple action causes me. Y/n sees my distress and instantly heals me. Y/n continues with, " That should help. Now I think we need some ice cream to celebrate your return."
    "You know me so well," I reply as I wrap my arms around her.
    "And you know me so well," She replies just before we kiss.
Fred: When I love you, I love you harder, with all of my, all of my heart, yeah. (Fred POV)
    "Fred!" Y/n screams.
    "I'm coming Y/n!" I reply as I run through the shop. Y/n and I were just finishing cleaning up. Everything was peaceful until I heard an explosion and her scream.
    I run to the back to see Y/n being under the Cruciatus Curse. Her screams fill the room. I pull out my wand and attack the Death Eater as I scream, "Expelliarmus!"
    The Death Eater's wand shoots into the air as Y/n falls downward. With a simple flick of my and the word 'Leberacorpus,' I place Y/n safely on the ground. Then I turn my attention to the Death Eater. He points his wand towards the two of us. With Y/n missing her wand and knocked out, it's up to me to protect us. The small battle ensues. I fight to protect us, to protect Y/n. Eventually, I overpower the Death Eater and he runs out of the whole in which he came from.
    I take a deep breath as I fix the wall and rush over to Y/n. I revive her with 'Enervate.'
    "Fred, what happened? I feel like a wall just fell on me," Y/n states.
    "Shhh, save your strength. You just dealt with the Cruciatus Curse," I answer.
    "Fred, what would've I done if you hadn't been there?"
    "Well, you'd probably be dead," I reply with a chuckle. Y/n giggles along.
    "You're probably right. I must work on my dueling skills. With You-Know-Who coming back, I need to be able to hold out on my own."
    "I could use the practice too. It took too long to defeat that Death Eater."
    "Fred, I'm scared. I'm scared of losing you," She states as she wraps her arms around me.
    "You shouldn't worry. With all the love I have for you, it's gonna take a lot to keep me away from you."
    "I hope so."
    "I hope so too."
George: But I'll always be on your side, yeah (George POV)
    "Y/n, where did you go?" I state in exasperation. I have lost Y/n in the crowd at the World Cup. I grab Fred and search for her. Fred will be able to get us back to our seats. he has a great sense of direction. On the other hand, I still gets lost in Hogwarts sometimes. But, at least when I get lost, Y/n or Fred finds me before I am late to my classes.
    We search and search for Y/n. We find her surrounded by the rest of our friends and family.
    "There you guys are! I was about to go and look for you!" Y/n exclaims as she hugs me.
    "We actually went looking for you," I reply.
    "Why would you do that?"
    "Because I lost you,"
    "I did get sidetracked before I came here. Oh well, at least we're all here now!"
    "Hurry up guys, the game's about to start!" Fred yells.
    As the game progresses, it becomes more and more exciting. Y/n has the biggest smile on her face as she cheers. The game ends and we head back to the tent. And this time I hold Y/n's head to make sure I don't lose her or get lost. A scream rings in my ears as the Dark Mark rises into the sky.
    Y/n tightens her grip on my hand as she states with fear in her eyes, "George, don't let go."    "Don't worry, I will always be at your side," I reply as we hurriedly follow the rest of the group to get out of this nightmare.
Neville: I'll always be on your team (Neville POV)
"Come on Neville! I'm going to be late for the big game!" Y/n states.
"I'm coming sweetie!" I reply as I rush over to her. Today's the first game of the Quidditch season and the Slytherins and the Gryffindors are playing. I don't mean to brag but, my girlfriend is, what I like to call, the star chaser of the team. That's the only reason she's rushing me. Both teams must arrive thirty minutes early to prepare for the game. For the Gryffindors, it means listening to Oliver's 'inspirational' speech before heading out and getting warmed up on the field with the ten minutes left. And Oliver hates when people are late.
"I'm so ready for this game!" Y/n exclaims as we leave the common room, hand in hand, and head to the Quidditch pitch.
"Me too! I'm ready to cheer on our team!" I reply back.
"Neville," Y/n states as she stands in front of me, "Will you cheer for me too?"
"Of course I will! I'll always be on your team!"
Y/n smiles at me as she runs off into the changing rooms. I head to the stands. Once the game starts, I cheer for the Gryffindors. But, I cheer louder for Y/n, just like I promised.
Draco: How many times do I have to convince you that I'll always be on your team? (Draco POV)
Months have passed since I've seen Y/n. With the Dark lord growing his power, my sole job is to serve him. I have to fight for ideas that are not mine. I believed in them at first, but now I'm not so sure. Everything that I stood for contradicts Y/n, who I love with every fiber of my being. But she's not a pure blood, so our relationship is doomed. Hopefully, it won't end up like Romeo and Juliet: star crossed lovers who died for their love. I fear for Y/n's life and our future together.
    "Draco?" Y/n whispers as I arrive in the attic, our secret meeting place.
    "It's so good to see you!" I whisper back as we embrace.
    "It feels like ages since I last saw you. Are you feeling alright?"
    "Yeah, I'm fine."
    "Draco, I know you're not. Tell me what's going on."
    "If I told you, you would hate me."
    "I'll never hate you! How could you say such a thing!"
    "You will."
    "I will never, ever hate you. I will always be there. I will be by your side and on your team."
    "I think you should sit down for this," I state as Y/n and I sit on the ground, facing each other. I continue with, "The Dark Lord wants me to kill Dumbledore."
    Y/n's face shows no emotion. I know that she is thinking about how to react and what to say. Once she is done thinking, she questions, "Are you going to do it?"
    "I have to. My father sees this as a chance to renew our place in the Dark lord's Order."
    "Are you going to do it?"
    "I already answered that question."
    "I mean it: What are you going to do? You. Not your father."
    "I-I don't know."
    "Draco, I'm not mad at you. I'm just trying understand what's going to happen."
    "If I can't do it, Snape's going to do it."
    "Wait—does Dumbledore know of this?"
    "I don't know. If he does, Snape would have been the one to tell him."
    "Do you think Snape would tell him?"
    "Yes. Because just like Snape, I am on the light side, pretending to be on the dark side."
    "Draco, are you serious?"
    "Yes. You can't tell anyone. If I chose the dark side, I could no longer be with you."
    "I guess were on the same team now?"
    "I think we are."
Oliver: Whenever you're winning, I'll give you strength, boy. And I'll cheer your name, girl (Oliver POV)
    "Wood just stopped that goal. With that,Gryffindor is still in the lead with fifty points. The snitch is still hiding from the seekers!" Lee screams into the microphone.
    This is the last game of the House Cup and my last chance to win it. That's exactly what I plan to do and it's all for the glory of Gryffindor. We are the best house and the best team there is. I keep my eyes peeled as I watch the game and keep goal after goal from the goal posts. I look towards Y/n who is cheering her soul out the stands. Just seeing her gives strength. A competitive smile surfaces on my face as I look for Harry. That boy better find that snitch soon. I see him dive and then I see him fly upwards as he catches the snitch!
    We finally did it. Gryffindor won the House Cup! I can't wait to get to the common room. I know that Fred and George are going to have everybody celebrating with all of their inventions. And I can't wait to see Y/n! The Gryffindor team is awarded with the trophy as we dismount form our brooms. Professor McGonagall beams as she hands me the trophy. The team lifts me up as we head to the changing rooms. But, we aren't going to change out of our uniforms. We're going to wear them as badges of honor. We walk straight through them and head to the common room.
    "Congratulations! I'm so proud of you!" Y/n shouts as she runs over to me.
    "Thanks! But, I couldn't have done it without you." I reply as I hug her.
    "Really? I just stood in the stands and cheered a bit."
    "That's all you needed to do."
    "Wow! I didn't think I had that much power."
    "Of course you do, honey. I am completely and fully under your spell."

    Hello! I am so sorry for not updating in such a long while. To make up for it, by this time next week, TWO CHAPTERS will be uploaded. Thank you all so much for -118k- views! I especially want to thank: @HugglesLover, @_La_ragazza_Nerd_, @FlamingoFreak, @yellowlemon123, @Cecysstories, @198blankpages, and @JugheadBazinga. As always, new chapter soon! Bye!

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