Chapter 45: A Normal Morning

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A Normal Morning
Ever since you two had been married, you had been living together. After a few months of this, you and Harry became Teddy's parents. Every day since has been beyond perfect. And today wasn't any different from the rest.
"Mommy! Daddy!" Teddy shouts as he jumps onto your bed. The sun and Teddy have just awaken. It's going to be a beautiful day.
"Good morning Teddy!" You replied as you sat up and as Teddy crawled into your open arms.
Harry smiles at the two of you. He loves the two of you with all of his heart. Anyone could see that with his wide, approving smile. He takes the two of you into his arms as you all sit and enjoy each other's company. Then your alarm goes off. You wonder why you still use one when you have Teddy, but you come to the conclusion that you probably need both.
"I'm going to get Teddy dressed. Love, can you start making breakfast?" You state as you peck Harry on the cheek.
"Of course!" Harry replies as he rushes to get ready.
You get Teddy ready and then yourself in record time. You, balancing Teddy on your hip, hurry down stairs to help Harry. To your surprise, everything's finished and waiting for you. You all eat breakfast together, clean up, and then head out. You help Harry with his rain coat and umbrella. Like most days in London, it's raining cats and dogs. Harry gives you a passionate kiss on the lips before he heads out. Meanwhile, you get Teddy dressed in his blue rain coat and red rain boots. You match him. Just like any other day, you stay at home and look after Teddy. Today, though, you have some errands to run and a lunch date with Ginny and Hermione. They love Teddy and are basically his aunts. So, they don't mind and completely understand when you bring him along. He is usually very well behaved, so there is never any problem.
As the two of you head out the door, all you can think is: this morning was a perfect start to a perfect day!
Mornings by the two of you are always rushed and a bit stressful. Each day you begin with hitting the alarm at least nine times. By, the tenth time, you both realize you're going to be late.
"Ron, can you pass me the toothpaste?" You ask as the two of you huddle around the sink in your bathroom.
"Sure thing," Ron states with his mouth full of toothpaste.
You rush out of the bathroom as Ron begins to shave. You hastily get dressed. You work as an Auror along with Ron and you both are going to be late if you don't hurry. Then you rush to make breakfast. And when I say make breakfast, I mean grab whatever's around the house. You immediately start making coffee and pour it into two to-go coffee cups. Ron comes thudding down the stairs. His tie is messily tied and his long orange hair is messily combed to one side. He reaches for a muffin as you fix his tie and his hair.
"What would I do without you?" Ron states with endearment in his voice.
"Well, you probably be still in bed," You reply with a giggle. He chuckles with you as you both grab your coffee. He wraps one arm around you as he apparates you two to your job. You stamp in just in time and begin your day. Even though it's a bit rushed and stressful, you wouldn't have it any other way.
Each morning starts with Fred waking you up. You had never been an early bird, but somehow every morning Fred woke you up and the two of you got to work on time. It goes something like this:
"Love, it's time to wake up," Fred whispers into your ear. You begin to stir as he wraps his arms around you.
"Good morning, Fred," You state as you open your eyes.
"Good morning!" Fred exclaims before he gives you a morning kiss.
You both smile into the kiss as you wrap your arms around his neck. He breaks the kiss as you both gasp for air. You press your forehead against his as you look into his caring brown eyes and he into your beautiful eyes.
"What's wrong?" Fred states as you scrunch your nose.
"Morning breath," you reply with a mischievous giggle.
"Oh, what am I going to do with?" Fred states as he gets up. You hear the water run as you get up as well. You already know that you have plenty of time before you have to get to work. Fred always wakes you up an hour before you even have to leave. You walk over to him and hug his large frame from behind as you rest your head on his shoulder. He turns to face you with his face full of shaving cream.
You smile at him as he tries to kiss you.
"Oh, come on Y/n! You made a vow!" Fred exclaims.
"I know I did!" You reply.
"Then, kiss me already!"
You kiss him on the lips as shaving cream gets all over your face.
"Was it that bad?" Fred questions with worry as your eyes shoot dangers at him.
"Nope! I just love to make you worry!" You reply as you go to get dressed. You have already brushed your teeth. Therefore, all you have to do is get dressed and do your hair. You successfully accomplish both in ten minutes and begin making breakfast. Fred is not far behind and the two of you make breakfast, enjoy your creation, and clean it up together.
"Love, we best be on our way. We don't want to be late," Fred states as his hand finds yours.
"You worry too much!" You reply as you apparate both of you to the shop.
At exactly 7:49 every morning, George comes rushing down the stairs, messily dressed and in a hurry. You chuckle at his chaotic demeanor. Your morning started forty nine minutes earlier. You wake up every day at seven o'clock. You wake George up, but you know he'll sleep in until the last possible minute. With that, you get out of bed and get ready. By 7:30, you're making breakfast and enjoying the silence before the chaos, known as George Weasley, comes rushing into the kitchen.
"Y/n have you seen my tie. I can't seem to find it anywhere!" George exclaims as he runs into the kitchen.
"Have you looked by the couch?" You reply, knowing exactly where it is.
"Found it!" George states triumphantly. He rushes into the kitchen as he ravages through the cabinets looking for cereal. He finds a bowl, the cereal, and the milk. But, once he turns to the table, he puts it all away.
"I made your favorite," You gush as you sit across from him.
"How do you do it?" He questions as he shovels food into his mouth.
"Well, I wake up on time. Maybe you should try it sometime," You chuckle.
"Oi! Y/n, do you always have to throw that in my face?" George replies, playing along with your banter.
"I need to finish getting ready. Be a dear and do the dishes," You state as you attempt to kiss his cheek. George turns at the last moment and your lips meet in a perfect kiss.
"Of course, Love."
With that, you rush upstairs and get ready. In twelve minutes flat, you're done, makeup and all. You rush back down the stairs as you grab both of your bags. George always forgets to grab his.
"Are you ready to go?" You ask as you see George frantically looking for something.
"Almost. I just need my—"
"Bag, right?" You state as you present him with his bag.
"You know me so well!"
"Of course I do! I'm your wife after all!"
Each morning begins with Neville. And it's always Neville. You don't even have to open your eyes to know it's him. Your nose knows his scent by heart: vanilla and oak. It's exactly what your Amortentia smells like.
"Good morning sweetheart," You state as snuggle further into his arms.
"Good morning," Neville replies as his arms tighten around you.
You two enjoy each other's company and warmth before both of your alarms go off. Neville sighs as both of you get up to go to work. You both work at Hogwarts (he as a Herbology professor and you as a Transfiguration professor), and the new school year has just begun. You both love teaching and the students love you even more. It's everything you could ever want with the exception of very early mornings. Breakfast for the students begins at seven. For professors, it's six. Neither Neville nor you are morning birds and always struggle with making breakfast in time. With classes starting at eight sharp, professors are required to be in their classrooms by seven-thirty. And it is looked down upon to be eating when the students are eating. With that combo of requirements, it makes it harder for the two of you to get up.
"We should get up," Neville yawns.
"We should," You reply with a matching yawn.
You try to get up, but Neville pulls you back towards him.
"I'm not going to get reprimanded by Professor McGonagall again. Let me go!" You chuckle.
"Why do you want to leave me?" Neville pleads.
"I'm not leaving you. I'm starting the day at the correct time," You cheekily add.
"You're right. Let's get moving," Neville states as he gets up.
In sixteen minutes flat, both of you have showered, gotten dressed, and are on your way to breakfast. You walk hand in hand with Neville through those same hallways where you fell in love. And you wouldn't have it any other way.
Every morning begins with two kisses: one on each of your closed eyes. It's Draco's way of waking you up, and you love it.
"Good morning," Draco whispers as you open your eyes to meet his.
"Good morning," You reply with a smile.
"Salazar, I love hearing your voice," Draco comments.
You giggle in response and get out of bed. Draco is not far behind. As you both brush your teeth, he hugs you from behind with his left arm. He begins to shave as you go to the kitchen to make breakfast. You start the coffee machine as you begin to softly sing. Your singing slowly grows louder as you continue to make breakfast. You hear Draco coming down the stairs. You stop singing and just continue to make breakfast.
"Now, where is that beautiful voice I was following?" Draco questions cheekily.
"I thought it was just annoying," You sulk.
"Don't say that! I think it's beautiful especially when it sings our song."
"How many times do I have to remind you? I love your voice!"
"I was just toying with you."
"Oh, really? Well, two can play at that game!" Draco exclaims as he tickles you. You are very ticklish. Because of this, you immediately drop the mixing bowl as you try to get Draco to stop. Draco catches with a flick of his wand and places it on the counter without stopping.
"Draco! Please stop!" You exclaim.
"Never!" He replies with a chuckle.
"Fine. Let's get back to making breakfast."
"But, I dropped the mixing bowl."
"Well, I valiantly saved it from total destruction."
You giggle at his response and finish making breakfast together. It's the perfect start to any day.
You and Oliver are surprisingly both early birds. Every morning you wake up before dawn and take a broom ride as the sun comes up. It's the perfect way to wake up and for Oliver to get a bit of practice. He is a star Quidditch player after all.
"Come on Ollie! We're going to miss the sunrise!" You exclaim. Oliver went to get your brooms, but has not come back yet.
"I'm coming! I just can't seem to find my broom," Oliver replies.
"Let me help you find it," You state as you walk over to the broom closet. Together, you rummage through the closet, but you still can't find his broom. However, you a surprise waiting for him.
"Oliver, how about you check outside? Maybe you left it there after our ride last night. I'll check in here again," You state as you shove him towards the back door.
"Alright. I'll check there," Oliver adds as he walks out the door. Sooner than later, he's back at your side talking about the new broom outside.
"Y/n! There's a Nimbus 2000 outside!" Oliver exclaims with excitement.
"I know. I put it there," You calmly reply with a smile.
"Thank you! This is the best gift I've ever gotten!" Oliver states as he hug you.
"You're welcome! We better get going or we're going to miss the sunrise."
"Let's go! I'm excited to try this new broom out!"
You giggle at excitement, but you love seeing Oliver so happy. And you can't wait to see the sunrise with him beaming more than the sun will ever.

Hello! I hoped you all enjoyed the chapter! I go back to school in less than a month. I am hoping to get at least two more chapters uploaded before I got back. Once I am back, updates will go back to every 2-3 weeks. On a lighter note, thank you so much for -122k- views!!! As always, new chapter soon! Bye!

P.S. Requests are open. Feel free to leave one in the comments or in a PM!

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