Chapter 56: You're Shorter Than Him

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You're Shorter Than Him {Day 11 out of 12}
While Harry was short compared to the Weasley twins, he still towered over you. The height difference never really bothered you. While many people often mentioned it whenever they save you, you loved each other and that was that. However there were certain perks to being shorter than Harry. The best was all the piggy back rides. Whenever you were tired or Harry and you just wanted to have some fun, those rides were the prefect remedy. Harry would just scope you up and put you on his back. You would always hold on tightly and giggle as Harry sped forward.
You loved Ron just the way he was. You never really notice the height difference that much until your best friends pointed it out to you. This height difference came in handy on a rainy day. The two of you had just come home from a date, but had gotten soak from the rain storm. Sadly, your umbrella had blown away. Ron went up to change as you started a fire so that you two could warm up. Ron brought you down an old T-shirt of his to change into. You quickly changed into it and marveled at the fact that it was basically a dress on you. An added plus was that it smelled like Ron. Ron loved seeing you wear his shirts because you look so cute in them!
Fred and you always seemed to get detention together. While that it made it more bearable, it did not make it fun. One day you were shelving books in the library, you were standing on a stool as Fred stood next to you. He had not need for one to reach the top shelves. You hastily shelved books, but Fred had stopped shelving and just looked at you.
"Hey, Y/n we're finally at the same height," Fred quietly chuckled.
"You're right!" You whispered.
With that, Fred kissed you. One of his arms gingerly held your waist as his other hand was in your hair. Both of your hands were in his bright orange hair. 
"Now that's what I call a kiss," Fred exclaimed in a whisper.
"You only say that because you didn't have to lift me up to meet you. Am I that heavy?" You tease.
"Of course not! I just thought the kiss was fused with passion," Fred explains.
"How about we have another one?" You ask just before you two kiss again.
Now you were short, and there was not doubt about it. You had always had trouble reaching the top shelves of everything. Now it was quieter the opposite for your boyfriend George. He always had the hardest times getting stuff out of the lowest shelves and cabinets. So both of you loved the height difference between you. While you always tried to jump to get things, George would gallantly get whatever you were trying to get down easily for you. You would do the same for him, but for the lower cabinets and shelves.
You had always had a hard time keeping up with others when they walked. It wasn't your fault: it was your genetics. You would always have to talk two, three, or sometimes even four steps to match their one. However, there was one person who always matched your pace: Neville. He never teased you about being slow. Instead he as the only one who matched your pace. Maybe one day he had realized how much you were struggle to keep up with him? Maybe he had notice it right away and match your pace out of kindness? Either way, it made you love him more because it showed how much he payed attention to the little things.
You had always dreamed to be tall. Your dad was over six feet, but your mom was just barely four feet and eleven inches. Both your brothers were almost as tall as your dad, and you sister was average in the height department. However, you were stuck with being as short as your mother. This didn't stop you from dating Draco. He was a good ten inches taller than you. Your height was perfect for those lift-spin-hugs. Draco loved the intimacy that calmed with those hugs, and you loved feeling like you were flying. I mean you were a good two feet off the ground when you hugged.
While your shortness had its advantages, like being really good at a hide-and-go-seek, it had many, many disadvantages. The worst one was never being able to see over a crowd. You and Oliver were at a Weird Sisters concert, and you couldn't see anything. While you were still jamming out to the great music, you still really wanted to see the band performing. Oliver notice this and immediately lifted you onto his shoulders. Let's just say it was the best concert ever.

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