Chapter 17: The Yule Ball II

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Yule Ball Part 2
Harry: ( Your POV )
As I walk down the stairs of the Gryffindor Girls' Dorm, I see a very eager Harry waiting at the bottom for me. When I finally reach the bottom, Harry looks at me in amazement. He says/stumbles," Y/ look absolutely...breathtaking."
" Why thank you Potter," I reply. He takes my hand as we walk out of the Common Room. Eventually, we reach the Great Hall and as Harry tightens his grip on my hand, we dance the first dance with the other champions. The decorations are gorgeous. And everyone is in their finest robes. It's truly magical.
As everyone else joins in, we all dance the night away. And I'll tell you that because Harry is right in front of me and all his attention is on me, I have nothing to fear, only joy is in my heart.
Ron: ( Your POV )
As I greet Ron, he looks at me like I'm the most beautiful girl in the whole world. He takes my hand as he pulls me into the dance floor. As the first song ends and a slow one begins, I feel Ron put his arms around my waist while I wrap mine around his neck. A smile appears on both of our lips as we dance the night away, in each other's arms.
Fred: ( Your POV )
As Fred and I finish putting up the last decorations, I realize the Yule Ball starts is less than an hour. I hurriedly run up to the Gryffindor Girls' Dormitory as Fred rushes up to the Gryffindor Boys' Dormitory. After about forty-five minutes, I'm ready. I courageously walk down the stairs that lead from the Girls' Dormitory and to the Common Room. I soon notice Fred standing in the Common Room talking nervously with George.
         As soon as he hears me walk down the first step, his face instantly turns as he looks at me awestruck. I feel my heart beat faster than ever before as he takes my hand. Eventually we reach the Great Hall. As we dance together, I know that we will always love each other.
George: ( Your POV )
I feel George take my hand as he pulls me onto the dance floor. I feel my heart flutter as a slow song plays and our faces become inches from each other. I look into his eyes as he says," Y/n, have I told you look ravishing tonight?"
I feel a small laugh escape my mouth as I reply," Honey, you have told me that like 16 times already."
George blushes as he replies in a childish tone," Well, you do rock that dress."
I feel my cheek grow warm as we continue to talk and dance. But, the last thing George says is the most important. He says," Y/n, I will always be yours."
Neville: ( Your POV )
As I meet Neville in the Great Hall, I feel my stomach flutter as he smiles when he sees me. When we finally reach each other on the dance floor, I hear him say," Y/n... you look... beautiful... no gorgeous... sorry you look perfect."
     "Wow," I think to myself. I can't believe Neville just said that. I mean I haven't had a guy say that in like never. I hurriedly reply," Thank you," as a slow song comes and Neville pulls me closer to him. All I can think about is how lucky I am to be hear with a guy like Neville.
Draco: ( Your POV )
     As Draco meets me in the hallway leading to the Great Hall, I feel him grasp me into a huge bear hug. Seriously, you'll never guess that we could ever be together. With me being a Gryffindor and Draco being a Slytherin, it kind of hard to image. But, I hope, I'll have a good time tonight with possibly the guy of my dreams.
Anyway, I feel him end our embrace as he whispers into my ear," Y/n, you look like a... a... like an angel. You look perfect."
I feel a smile encase my lips as we courageously enter into the Great Hall. I hear many whispers and a few gasp from some of the Slytherin girls * Cough Pansy Cough * as we walk onto to the dance floor and dance to the slowest song in history. Pansy luckily stomps away. Meanwhile, I'm having the time of my life with the best boy around, Draco.
Oliver: ( Your POV )
As I walk into the Gryffindor Common Room, I immediately lock eyes with Oliver as he instantly stops talking with Fred and George. He takes my hand as he says," I wonder how long it took your friends to get you into that. None the less, you look enchanting."
I reply," Thank you Oliver. It took a lot of guts to get me into this but, I'll do anything if get to spend some time with you."
He chuckles as we walk out of the Common Room and head toward the Great Hall. As we enter the room and start to dance, a slow song comes on and Oliver pulls me close. I feel him put his hand on my waist as I put mine around his neck. We slowly sway until he pecks my cheek. I feel myself blush as I realize that I truly love him and that he loves me just as much.
             Hi there so so sorry for not publishing in like forever. Anyway, thank you all so much for -5k- and -6k- views. Because of this, the next chapter will be a song preference. Also, in the Harry Potter books, Oliver has already graduated from Hogwarts by Harry's fourth year but, for the story's sake, can you please pretend, that he hasn't left yet and that he is in the year before Fred & George's year. Thanks so so much. As always, new chapter soon. Bye.
P.S. The pic above is of your dress for the Yule Ball.

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