Chapter 79: You Tell Everyone You're Expecting

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Harry: Of course, you told Teddy first. You were sitting with Teddy on the rocking chair, reading him a bed time story. Teddy was resting his head in the crook of your neck, admiring the lovely pictures from afar. Like Teddy did every night, after you had finished reading his story, he asked you when he was going to get a little brother or sister. However, this time instead of telling him "You have to be patient," you hugged him tighter and gave Harry a nod. That's when you and Harry explained to Teddy that you had a baby in your tummy and that he would have a little brother or sister soon. As soon as Teddy heard this, he smiled. He wrestled himself free from your arms and starting talking to your stomach, telling it how excited he was and how he couldn't wait to meet his little sibling. Honestly, it was one of the sweetest things you had ever seen, and it brought happy tears to your eyes. You couldn't be happier. You were with the man you loved, the child that called you mummy, and had another one on the way. 

Ron: You and Ron were staying over at the Burrow. You had come for a short visit, but stayed well after midnight. Looking at the time, Mrs. Weasley had insisted that you and Ron sleep over since she knew how tired you were. She had promised to make you a full English breakfast tomorrow morning so you couldn't really complain. And Ron wouldn't have missed breakfast for the world.  Anyway, everyone went to sleep rather quickly. 

However, you woke with a start and felt your morning sickness kicking in. You ran as quietly as you could to the bathroom and thankfully made it in time. Then, you heard some footsteps behind you and felt somebody hold your hair back. 

"Golly Ron! You know you don't have do this anymore. I'm quiet alright." You sputtered between puking in the toilet. 

"Oh dearie! I'm not Ron!" Mrs. Weasley giggled. 

"I'm so sorry. I jsut haven't been feeling well. And I--" You started. 

"Don't worry about it. I understand." She interrupted

"Do you?" You ask in awe. 

"Of course! I do have seven of my own, and you're married to one of them." She laughed. 

"How?" You breathed. Your mother-in-law had just blown your mind as she figured out that you were pregnant without you telling her. 

"A mother always knows." She smiled. 

"We were going to tell you soon. We just wanted to make sure I was far enough along." You explained. 

"Save your strength. I'm going to put on the kettle. You come down when you're finished." She add as she braided you hair, gently pulling it away from your face. 

You smiled to yourself. You had the best mother-in-law in the world. You were actually happy that she found out. It relieved a weight that was on your chest. You knew that sooner than later she would have found out, and like she always does, she found out sooner than you would liked. 

Fred: You knew something was up when Mrs. Weasley invited you and Fred for dinner that evening. She never asked you guys to come over during the work week, and you hoped that nothing bad had happened. On the other hand, Fred worried that his mother had found something out and that he was about to get a good yelling from her. Anyway, you and Fred arrived right on time to the Burrow. However, when you went inside, you were greeted not only by Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, but by all of Fred's brothers and perspective partners. After you got over the initial shock of seeing everybody, you were very excited to catch up. 

Sooner than later, you all sat down for dinner. The conversation flowed freely until Mrs. Weasley started to ask you a laundry list of random questions. When she had finished interrogating you, she got everybody's attention. 

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