Chapter 52: A New Year's Eve Kiss

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A New Year's Eve Kiss {Day 7 out of 12}
You and Harry were spending New Year's Eve together along with some family and friends. Mrs. Weasley was babysitting Teddy so you had the night all to yourself. You were especially excited for the kiss at the start of the new year. In English and German folklore, it is believe that the first person you encounter, and the tone of this meeting, sets the tone for the rest of the year. A kiss is the best romantic gesture there is. You think that this tradition is great and are just waiting for the perfect kiss with Harry at the stroke of midnight.
"Ten! Nine! Eight!" Everyone in room shouts as you all count down to midnight. Harry grabs your hand as he spins you into him.
"Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!" The room explodes in joy.
Harry pulls you closer to him as he wraps his arm around your waist. Your lips meet in an instant as you share the perfect kiss. Your break apart and touch foreheads as the room sings Auld Lang Syne.
"I think that was the perfect kiss. Don't you agree?" Harry teases.
"I fully agree," You state as Harry kisses you once again.
Ron and you decided to stay in for New Year's Eve this year. You wanted to start the year off right. For you two, that meant spending the last hours of the past year and the first hours of the next year together. Ron put on the radio, quietly in the background, so that you both would know when midnight came. You made some of your famous hot apple cider that the two of you could enjoy as you counted down the minutes. Ron and you began to recollect the year as the time flew by.
"I can't we got married this year. It seems like just yesterday we were still at Hogwart!" You exclaim, recollecting how magical your wedding was.
"I can't either, but it was the best decision I have ever made," Ron adds as he leans in for a kiss.
"Not yet!" You giggle, "We have to wait til midnight."
"Alright, but at midnight, I want that kiss," Ron states with a smirk.
You two continue to recollect as you hear the announcer on the radio begin to count down. By the time the announcer has yelled 'Happy New Year,' Ron has placed his lips on yours. You shared a passionate kiss to start the year off.
"I finally got my kiss," Ron teases as he pecks your lips once again.
"Happy New Year!" You exclaim as you hug him.
"Happy New Year!"
Fred and you spent New Year's Eve with George and a few of your old school mates. You all talked about how time moved so quickly. I mean many of your friends did end up getting engaged or married this year. That alone shows great promise for the next year. You had always wanted that special kiss on New Year's Eve. And every year, Fred had not been one to disappoint. This year, as the count down began, Fred had seemed to disappear. It made you very sad. All you wanted was to start the year off with your favorite person, Fred. As you scream 'Happy New Year,' you feel a tap on your shoulder as Fred appears behind you with a smirk. He smashes his lips into yours as you share a passionate kiss.
"See, I wasn't late," Fred smirks.
You giggle a bit before you say, "Neither was I."
"Happy New Year, Y/n!"
"Happy New Year, Fred!"
This year you and George decided to start the new year in the best way possible: with kisses and chocolate. And what better way to do that than with Hershey's kisses. George loved the idea. So George bought a huge bag of Hershey's kisses and decorated your entire living room with them. You were going to have a party anyway, so they fit right in. Therefore, no matter where you two ended up, there would be Hershey's kisses waiting for you.
George meet you about thirty seconds to midnight. He counted down with you in an excited voice. As soon as midnight came, he placed his lips on yours in a quick kiss. As soon as he was finished, he handed you a Hershey's kiss. You both unwrapped them and ate one. Thus you celebrated the new year in the bet way possible: with a real kiss and a Hershey's kiss.
Neville was never the type who liked to stay up late. Therefore, he convinced you to stay in for New Year's Eve this year. He honestly just wanted to spend some quality time with you recapping the year. In addition, incase he fell asleep, he was already at home. You readily agreed as you had never really enjoyed New Year's Eve parties anyway. You much preferred to spend time with the people that you loved in an quieter setting. You had set a timer for a minute before midnight and counted down the seconds until the New Year. Neville had accidentally fallen asleep but woke up to you celebrating the New Year by yourself.
"I'm sorry I fell asleep," Neville apologizes.
"It's alright, but its time for the traditional kiss," You imply.
"That sounds good to me!" Neville exclaims as he inches closer to you.
You and Neville share a sweet kiss as you both celebrate the beginning of the new year.
While you were looking forward to sharing a kiss with Draco at midnight, Draco was looking forward to hearing you sing Aude Lang Syne. He loved your voice. So when midnight rolled around, he made sure to have the radio playing so that you could sing along.
As the radio counted down, he pulled you close. He smiled into the kiss you two shared. It truly was magical. Nevertheless, as you pulled apart, he heard that you had begun to sing. He was truly entranced. He just fell more in love with you whenever he heard you sing. To him, as well as to you,  this was the perfect way to start the new year.
Oliver and you were looking forward to New Year's for one reason. Every year, you two went on a broom ride together as soon as the clock stroke midnight. It was a great way to start off the year as it mixed the two things you both loved the most: Quidditch and each other. This year started off just the same as any other one. It started with a kiss. Only this year, it occurred in the air instead of on the ground. Your broomstick had become broken beyond anything you could do to repair and because every shop was closed for the holidays, there was no hope of fixing it for your yearly broom ride. But, that didn't stop Oliver, he convinced you to ride with him. And so, you tow took off as soon as the clocked chimed twelve times and shared a passionate kiss in the air. It was honestly the best New Year's Eve you had had so far.

Happy New Year! I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter. Stay tuned for Day 8!

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