Chapter 29: Song Preference VI

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Song Preference: 'Stand By You' by Rachel Platten
Harry: Even if we're breaking down, we can find a way to break through. Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through hell with you. (Harry POV)
    Memories flash through my brain as I look for Y/n. She, being skilled in healing, was whisked away right after I had met her parents. She is training to become a Auror but, she has told me that the power to know what to do in a emergency runs in her family. I hadn't noticed that she was missing until her little brother told me. I was just so rapped up in making a good impression. As I look for her, I remember all the times we've been through. For the first time in my life, I realize how important Y/n is to me.  She's been there through thick and thin. She's always been at my side. And I can't even imagine my life without her. Every time we've broken down or been separated, like when Ron left or when I had left them on the chess board,  she always finds a way to break through. I feel that we've walked through hell and back together, just the two of us. I hope that now we will walk through heaven together. I soon find her talking with Luna and Neville as she heals both of their wounds. As she stands up, I wrap my arms around her from behind. I can feel her smile as she turns and gives me quick, but loving peck on the lips.
She beams as she states," Harry, I think that we have created a world in which everyone can be themselves," she moves to the side as she points to everyone around the room and tells their story. Some want to work in healing with her after seeing at how important it is. Some just want to be able to be themselves. And still others are ready to follow their hearts. She continues to talk as I realize, for the first time, that for all the bad that has happened something good has come from it. I pick her up, bridal style, and plant a kiss on her nose as she giggles. With her smiling face, I know that it's my turn to follow my heart for once.
Ron: Love, you're not alone (Ron POV) 
I have to admit. I never thought I would be here, not now at least. Y/n has always told me that I make her feel like she belongs. And now I understand why. She came from a family full of non-magical people except for her grandmother, who is a great and renowned witch. So, she always felt out of place as both her parents were never magical as they both were adopted. But, when she chose to stay in the wizarding world and never look back, her only family was her grandmother. Sadly, I am now holding her tightly as many people pass by a closed casket, giving kind words to her and final goodbyes to her grandmother. My mother can't stand the thought of a person all alone at this time and as result, Y/n is now a permanent resident at the burrow. So, she is no longer alone. And she will never be once I pop a single question.
Fred: I'll be your eyes till yours can shine. I'll be your arms, I'll be your steady satellite. And when you can't rise, well, I'll crawl with you on hands and knees. (Fred POV)
     After darkness and silence had taken over, I saw myself and Y/n holding hands. She's wearing a beautiful white dress and I am wearing a suit. Weird, right? We are making are way over where everyone is standing. And by everyone, I mean everyone we know, living and dead. When we reach them, I smile as I wrap my arms around her. I hear someone count down and then a snap of a camera. But, with the flash of light from the camera, I wake up with a gasp. My hand still holds Y/n's and she too is gasping for air. We look at each other as my family looks at us with shock. It's not like we just died and came back, right?
    " Fred! Y/n! You're alive!" my mother rejoices as we stand up. As soon we are on our feet, she pulls both of us into a bone crushing hug. When she releases us, Ginny runs into Y/n's arms as my brothers and father surround us.
    " Fred, I can't believe what happen. You and Y/n just survived the killing curse!" exclaims Ron.
    " But, the only way to survive is by sacrifice. How can they both be alive?" Percy questions.
    " My guess is that they both sacrificed themselves for the other and that's why they're both alive." Bill calmly states with a smile. He's pretty knowledgeable about curses as he works to undo them.
    " Let's not dwell on technicalities. I'm so happy that you both are alive!" George cheers.
    George pats my back as my family gives Y/n and I some space to breathe. She immediately wraps her arms around me. I lock my arms around her as I smile, knowing that our love has even outshone death itself.
George: 'Cause I'm gonna stand by you (George POV)
I hear a crash and them a small 'ow' as I turn to see Y/n on the floor of the storage clutching a small box with many others surrounding her. I rush over to her and help her up as she smiles at me. That smile puts me into my thoughts as I recall the multiple times I have seen it and how it made me feel.
    I return the smile as she laughs and teases," Good thing it's after hours otherwise I don't know what I would have done."
    " Oh, I think I would have still managed to get away," I playfully tease, right back at her.
    We continue to restock the shelves with a little playful banter. Once we have finished, we both throw on our cloaks and head out to meet some friends. It's so peaceful after all those years of turmoil. Anyway we reach, the Three Broom Sticks in a very short time and join our friends in a hearty meal. We tell story after story and guzzle butterbeer like there's no tomorrow. Soon everyone is smiling and laugh away. I look over at Y/n as she tells her story, knowing that after all we've been through that we are going to stand by each other till the end of time as soon as I ask her one simple question.
Neville: And hey, if your wings are broken, please take mine so yours can open too. (Neville POV)
As I walk into St. Mungo's, I carry flowers for Y/n. She was bitten by Nagini just before I killed Nagini. A fang was imbedded in her left shoulder. The poison has been drained for her body and the fang was been removed. She's still alive but, has been unconscious since that day. When I pass the front desk, I am stopped by a voice that says," Mr. Longbottom, Ms. Y/l/n has been moved into room 107."
I nod my head in acknowledgement as I head to hear new room. I see the curtain drawn and a shadow of a woman siting up through the tightly knitted fabric. I rush over to the curtain and pull it open to see Y/n sitting up talking to a healer. The healer smiles as she gets up and leaves the two of us alone. As soon as we are left alone, I rush into her awaiting arms. When we part, she smiles as she looks at the flowers in my hands and the ones left over from my other daily visits. Deep down I know that when she had nobody not even herself, I was there for her and I always will be. And I know that if I was in the same situation, she would be there for me. Individually, we are enduring but, together we are each other's everything. And I want that to be forever and it hopefully will be once I pop a single question.
Draco: Hands, put your empty hands in mine. And scars, show me all the scars you hide. (Draco POV)
    Of all the things that could possibly happen, this is the worst one possible. My father has been let out of Azkaban. I know that you're probably thinking that it's a good thing but, it's not. He's has taken all of Y/n's memories of me and has trapped them inside the Pensieve that he keeps in the top room of this house, locked away. He has also put an enchantment of the door so, that only the key will open it. He, thankfully, does not wish her harm and only took the memories of us that weren't connected to any of her other ones. So, she still recognizes me and we are still friends. But, it's obviously not the same. Anyway, as I am trying to have her regain her feelings for me, I am also trying to get her memories back. I have put our fate from her empty hands into mine. But, I can't really do anything since my father watches me morning, noon, and night.
    Today my father is being called away for something and my mother is watching me. With her sympathy and the key around her neck, I might just be able to get the memories. Once I hear the door shut, I look up from my book and at my mother as she takes the key off of her neck.
    As she places it in my hand, she says," Go! Hurry! Save your love!"
    I follow her command and rush up the stairs. I unlock the door and find all of her memories with ease. I take them and replace them with fake ones. I rush back downstairs, kiss my mother on the cheek, and rush out of the house to find Y/n. I rush to her apartment building and climb the many flights before I reach her apartment. I hurriedly knock on her door and when she opens the door. I explain what is going on. She accepts my offer to give back her memories. I smile as tears form in her eyes and she wraps her arms around my neck. As I kiss her hair, I hold a little tighter, never wanting to let go.
Oliver: Yeah, you're all I never knew I needed. And the heart, sometimes it's unclear why it's beating (Oliver's POV)
    Ever since Y/n and I graduated from Hogwarts, I had everything that needed. I had the best girlfriend, good enough grades to become an Auror, enough skill to try out for professional Quidditch, and a loving family who loves Y/n as much as I do. Everything was perfect until that night when darkness had really taken over. Y/n and I stayed awake for the entire night. But, once we had gotten over the shock, we trained together even harder than before to become Aurors. Our hearts continued to over come the fear of Voldemort and beat on with love and passion for each other. I have also made up my mind. I am going to ask Y/n to marry me but, I am going to wait until Voldemort is finally defeated.  I feel that ever since I met her, my heart has never stopped beating for her. And I know that deep down, I can't live without her. I need her and I love more than anyone I have ever known.

Hello! I want to thank @Cecysstories for her great idea and comment. I am sorry it took so long to be published. I just wanted it to be extra special since we are celebrating -80k- views. As always, new chapter soon! Bye!

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