Chapter 83: Cute Moments with Your Kids

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Part 6 of the Pregnancy Series
Day 1 of 12
Info: y/house/c = your house color: dark blue for Ravenclaw, yellow for Hufflepuff, maroon for Gryffindor, and dark green for Slytherin

Harry: Over fifteen years later, you and Harry are married with four kids, Teddy, James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Lily Luna. And all of them love playing Super Mario Kart together. You love watching them go head to head against each other in friendly competition. It brings all of your kids together no matter what age they are. You remember how Harry's face had lit up when you bought the game for James and Albus one Christmas.  He looked happier than the two of them did. However, your favorite memory centered around Super Mario Kart is when little Lily Luna asked Harry to teach her how to play.

She was only five but Harry readily agreed. He put the controller in her hands and put his over hers, showing her how to steer and to use powerups. Lily's favorite part was picking her character for the race. She loved Toad the most! She loved how he was small like her. She won many races with Toad, and Harry of course. Her brothers always complained that she was winning because Harry was helping her.  That was when Lily raced on her own and beat all of her older brothers. Proving once and for all that she is the Mario Kart Queen!

Ron: As you and Ron got married and settled down, you had two kids, Rose and Hugo. Let's just say that Ron is a great dad. He is kind and gentle when needs to be, but he can also be stern when the time calls for it. While you have many cute memories of Ron and your kids, one of your favorite is when Ron played hide-and-go-seek with them. You could always hear their giggles as they tried to stay quite. You loved how Ron would search the whole room before he went to their hiding spot. When he found them, he tickled them and the game would turn into Tickle Monster. You would hear the pitter-patter of their feet as they ran throughout the house.

Once they played while you were making dinner. As Ron counted down from thirty, Hugo ran into the kitchen, asking you for help. Of course, you helped him climb and fit into a cabinet. You even gave him a lollipop so that he would spot giggling. After that, you went back to cooking like nothing had happened. Ron, after about five minutes later, came into the kitchen holding Rose's hand. They were looking for Hugo and couldn't find him anywhere.

"Y/n?" Ron said.

"Yes, darling?" You replied.

"You haven't happened to see a boy with striking red hair and good looks that he got from me hiding around somewhere in here?"

You giggled. "Of course not!"

Ron chuckled. "I think some one needs a truth potion because I know you're lying!"

With that, everything erupted into chaos. Rose started looking through every cabinet, looking for her brother. Ron started tickling you. Eventually, Ron stopped tickling you. The kitchen was silent.

"Where did out kiddos go?" Ron asked.

"I think I know," you whispered.

Gesturing to the cabinet where you hid Hugo, Ron opened it to find Rose and Hugo squished in there each eating a lollipop. You chuckled ass Hugo and Rose ran away from Ron as he transformed into the Tickle Monster and ran after them.

Fred: Picture this. You had stayed late at work last night for some emergency, leaving Fred alone with your two growing, five year old boys while you slept in. Anyway, Fred was getting ready before he was going to make y'all some breakfast. As Fred was shaving, Georgie walked into the bathroom rubbing his eyes. Following him shortly was his younger brother Ollie. Georgie closed the toilet seat, helped Ollie up onto it, and stood beside him as they began to question Fred about what he was doing.

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