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After a really nice nap I woke up to the sun streaming in through the windows. I look around at my surroundings and realize I fell asleep on the couch while waiting on Annalee, my supposed new roommate.

I pull my phone out of the back pocket of my denim skinny jeans to check the time, and instantly wish that I hadn't.

Great. It's hasn't even been a whole day since I got here and I've been sleeping the whole time.

My eyes glance around the living room area and kitchen to see that Analee is still a no-show. I roll my eyes and wonder if this is how it's always going to be.

I practically force myself to sit up and get off the couch, but as soon as I'm about to plant my feet on the floor I hear a loud crash followed by a few very choice words.

My first instant worry is if someone has broken in.

My heartbeat begins to speed up and my breathing does the same. Not going to lie...I'm frightened and already scared out of my mind.

I tip toe to the hallway where the noise is coming from, and can instantly detect that the ruckus is coming from what supposedly is Annalee's room.

In all the horror movies that I've watched the girl always stupidly walks towards the bad without calling the police or help. Unfortunately I'm currently labeling myself as another one of those idiots, but I honestly can't help myself. My curiosity is taking over my mind even though it's telling me not to and there's no going back.

I make sure not to bump into anything or make the floor creak. I don't want to startle the person and make them run away without me getting a good look at them.

I pick up a broom that was leaning against the wall and position it so it looks like I'm holding a baseball bat. I finally make it to the room and find the beanie-wearing person tearing through box after box of Annalee's personal items.

Instantly I get agitated, and my teeth grit together. I haven't been able to meet Annalee in person yet, but I already feel a connection with her since I've been talking to her through messages for a few months now. I feel like I already know her.

The fact that someone is going through her things absolutely infuriates me, and that's what sends me charging towards the burglar with the broom high above my head and ready to swing.

"This is what robbers get!" I yell as loud as I can before bring down the broom on the person's head.

I've never been an athletic girl in my whole life, but today I guess that changed since the person fell to the ground almost immediately after the impact of the broom with their head.

The thief laying on their stomach and was facing the ground so I still couldn't see their features. Their hand was in a pile of glass since they took down a vase too, and was bleeding slightly. Quickly I went to the person's side and poked them to see if they were awake.

They didn't make any noises so I instantly started to worry. I pressed my index and middle finger to their neck to check for a pulse and after a few seconds of waiting I felt thumping hit against my fingers.

A huge weight lifted off my shoulders knowing that I hadn't killed someone, but it was finally time to find out who this person was.

With all the might in my little spaghetti-like arms I pushed and shoved until the body finally was flipped over onto their back.

Seeing the person's face instantly made me want to punch myself in the face and cry of guilt and embarrassment.

I took a look at her face and instantly knew that this girl was my roommate, Annalee.

The Football Player's RoommateWhere stories live. Discover now