The Wedding.

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Amaya's POV:

I smoothed down my beautiful dress as I glanced once more in the mirror. I looked blissful and I was happy. The dress that I was currently donning was made of pure satin and the hem just barely grazed the floor. There wasn't any extra beading; it was just a simple dress, but it's simplicity is what made it absolutely beautiful.

In my hands I held a bouquet of fresh, white garden roses alongside an abundance of soft, blush-colored orchids. The bundle of flowers, not only looked stunning in my hands, but also set an elegant tone.

I was nervous about walking down the aisle. Knowing my luck, I'd trip in these ridiculously high heels and fall on my face in front of the hundreds of guests that had decided to attend.

Instead of getting myself even more upset, I took a deep breath and shakily exhaled. Today was a huge and  extremely important day, so the last thing I wanted to do was embarrass myself or Theo and his family. But I also knew I didn't have time to back out, it was now or never.

I held the bottom of my skirt as I scrupulously walked toward the entrance of the church. I stood behind the last bridesmaid in line and closed my eyes.

I gave myself a silent but confidence-boosting chant on how this would all turn out alright. I just needed to get to the end of the aisle.

My ears perked up when I heard the tall, oak doors swing open, giving a direct view of all that was inside. Thankfully I didn't have to walk first, but from my standing point I could see the church was packed to full capacity, only making my nerves skyrocket more.

I breathed in and out numerous times, and in what felt like no time at all, it was my turn to walk down the aisle.

As soon as I made two glides out the door a large flash went off beside me. I hadn't been expecting it and slightly teeter-tottered in my shoes. Luckily, I saved face and caught my balance. I took a relaxing breath and refocused my attention to the front of the church.

Theo was silently watching me from the front of the church as I clumsily made my attempts to walk my way forward, but he didn't show any signs of disappointment or embarrassment. He just had his usual mega-watt grin plastered on his face, like I was the only person in the room.

Like it was instinct, a smile lit up my face upon seeing his and I felt my breathing immediately decelerate. My chest no longer felt constricted as I concentrated solely on him and it was as if I was suddenly floating on air toward him.

Keeping my eyes on him, I blocked the rest of the world out. It was like we were the last two people on earth. Love radiated on his face as his eyes wrinkled with happiness as I drew nearer.

When I finally made it to the three steps leading to my place, I let out a sigh of relief. No more high-heeled walking. I carefully scaled those solitary steps and found my place directly parallel to Theo.

I readjusted my dress and straightened my shoulders before I lifted my face to see Theo already watching me. Bu the look on his face I could tell he was speechless as he saw me up close. I could say the same about him.

He looked so handsome. His tuxedo fit him in all the right places, hugging around his trimmed, athletic frame. The crisp white undershirt laid tightly against his chest, showing off his buff muscles from all those football workouts. The fresh, jet black suit jacket fit perfectly around his strong arms. Theo looked so professionally put together. Hell, even his tie was in a flawless bow.

I inwardly chuckled at that little bow. The night before Theo was in a complete rant on the phone about how he had to wear a bow tie rather than a regular tie. I remember exactly how I responded.

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