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Theo's POV:
"Theo, honey." Was the first thing I heard when Mya handed me the phone.

The fact that my mom was on the other end of the phone was annoying enough, but the fact that she interrupted us in what we were about to do was even more frustrating.

"What do you want, mother?" I bit out.

"Oh. I'm just calling to check up on you, sweet-"

"Cut the lies. What is it that you want?"

She sighed and as if she turned off her nice mode a completely serious tone took over. "Your father and I need you to come home."

"No! I'm not coming home! I refuse! I have other commitments." I yelled into the receiver.

I looked over to Mya and she looked worried. I mouthed to her that I was okay, but she didn't seem to believe me.

"Oh, not today, but soon!" She piped up.

Trying to get off topic I switched to a new subject that had been bothering me ever since I picked the phone up. "How did you even get this number?"

"Theo, darling, you know I have my ways, and if those ways don't work out, I have a whole team of hackers that can find out any little thing I need to know." I could literally hear her smirk on her face as she wanted me to know who exactly was in charge.

"Could've just called my cell. You didn't have to call the landline. Who even uses them anymore?" Also if she did this Amaya and I wouldn't have been interrupted because I definitely would've let it go to voicemail.

"Where's the fun in that?" She chuckled darkly.

Excuse me for my language, but what a bitch!

"Well fun or not, I'm not coming home." I told he truthfully.

"Oh, yes you are. Whether you like it or not, you are coming home!!" She yelled in my ear.

"Since when do you care if I'm there or not?" I questioned.

The woman missed my whole childhood and didn't even bother to come to my graduation. She obviously did not care about me.

"I don't."

Wow. Harsh, much?

"Then why do you so desperately need me there so badly?" I questioned curiously.

She remained silent and that's when I remembered that every year my mother hosts a huge Christmas celebration. She invited everyone involved in the company, along with other wealthy company owners and entrepreneurs. It's her biggest event of the year.

The last few years I hadn't attended and she seemed totally okay with that decision since "I have a tendency of screwing things up."

"Never mind. I know why." I rolled my eyes and looked down to see Amaya still looking concerned.

I leaned down to kiss her on the forehead before interlacing my fingers with hers.

"It's okay." I cover the phone receiver before whisper into her ear.

She nods up to me as she leans her head on my chest and sighs in content as she waits on me to finish up this wretched phone call. I wrap my arm around her as my mother begins to talk again.

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