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I pack the leftover turkey into a tight container with a smile on my face. The last of my family members had just left (well all except Gloria). Theo couldn't have been better today. He was great with the kids and the adults and helped out whenever he was asked. My family absolutely loved him! So much in fact that some even asked for his autograph, which he was very happy to give.

The grin that Theo had caused didn't remain as long as I wanted it to. It took a second for my brain to catch up to current times and remind me of the situation my very lovely mother had just gotten us into just a little bit ago.

As soon as everyone had packed up and left
there was only two people left, Gloria and Dillon. Dillon insisted on sticking around to help out with clean-up and dishes. My mother's face lit up, but she downgraded her excitement in extra help and gave him the ole 'oh you don't have to since you're a guest' speech. But Dillon wouldn't have it. He stood his ground and started tidying up despite my mom's protests.

Mom constantly praised him for being such a good person..as if he was a saint or something. If only she knew who he really was.

Which raised the big question. Why was he trying so hard to impress my birth-giver?

By the time we got done, Gloria was pretty annoyed with the fact that she had to stay so long. The most help she gave was her telling me that my outfit was all wrong for my body shape. I rolled my eyes, but Theo didn't take long to notice my annoyance.

"I think she looks stunning. Green really is Mya's color." Theo told Gloria rather sassily before going back to washing a handful of silverware.

My smile couldn't have been any bigger than in that moment. The guy I love giving such a sweet compliment, and to make the moment even more spectacular, he said it to Gloria?!

The night couldn't have gotten any better.

Well...that's what I thought. Next came the greatest moment of my life! Note my sarcasm.

"Well we should get going." Gloria was quick to state while grabbing Dillon's arm and leading him to the door.

"Yeah. It's actually pretty late. I don't know if it would be safe for me to drive since I'm so tired." He let out a long fake yawn.

Wow. Even his yawns are fake.

"Well if you don't feel comfortable driving you can stay here for the night. We have extra toiletries if you need them." My mom was quick to offer.

"Oh, no. I couldn't possibly." Dillon said playing his part once again.

"Please. You can stay. Anything for a friend of Gloria's."

Friend of Gloria's? Okay, sure. If she had sex with all her friends...actually who knows with her?

Dillon acted like he was in deep contemplation about whether he should stay or not, but we all knew what his final answer would be. It's just in his personality to take whatever is offered no matter if it's right or wrong.

"Come on. It's the least I could do with all the help you gave me today." My mother tried once again to sweeten the deal.

"Oh, alright."

I would say Dillon "gave up," but he wasn't trying to turn down the offer to begin with.

Why he was so desperate to stay was a whole other question. My best bet was that he just wanted to test my patience or to annoy me.

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