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Important author note at the end. Please read!!

Theo's POV:

"Oh, come on!" I shout as I honk the horn in irritation.

The two-way street that practically led straight to our apartment building was now down to one lane, and it seemed to be moving slow. There were cones and police officers blocking anyone from driving on the one half of the road. One lane was able to go while the other waited "patiently." Considering how far back in the lane I was, I couldn't see a single thing related to why this was happening. Roadwork, maybe?

But who does roadwork when it's this could and when it had just snowed??

I tapped my fingers impatiently against the wheel as I waited. I promised to take Mya to lunch when she got back from classes and I was already later than I usually am to get back, and I felt bad.

We went back to Blake's apartment for a little poker game. It got out of hand and I ended up staying there till one in the afternoon.

But she is the one who has been wanting me to hang out with the guys more often lately, isn't she?

I roll my eyes and ignore my subconscious' attempts at making me feel better. Mya most likely wouldn't care if I was a little late, but that doesn't make me feel like less of a piece of shit. I was just hoping Gracie and Anna were keeping her company.

When I realized the line wasn't going anywhere anytime soon I picked up my phone to send Mya a text to let her know I'm on my way and how sorry I was.

So sorry I'm late. The guys wanted one poker game, which eventually led to 4 more games...last track of time. I'm on my way though!

I hit the send button, and usually it's send all the way through and the little 'Delivered' would pop up below my message, but not today. It's odd since Mya was almost always connected to the internet, insuring my messages being received.

I brushed it off and focused on the road ahead. She probably just had her phone off. I tossed my phone to the passenger seat and played with the radio until I found a good song.

After what seemed like eternity, the line finally started to move. I watched as people were gawking at what was holding up the line as we passed by. Looked like a car accident from afar, and being the "nosy" human I am, I had to look for myself.

As I got closer I noticed a tow truck hooking the front of the car to a chain, and realizing how damaged the vehicle really was. And that's when my breath caught in my throat.

A light blue lei was hanging from the rearview mirror, which was the ultimate indicator. I guess I hadn't really put all the pieces together at first. I just labelled it as another crash, but seeing the decoration that Amaya always deemed "adorable" let me know that this was definitely her car.

It was her oldie Volkswagen, alright. The color and everything matched. The one side seemed to be in complete ruins and the poor telephone pole nearby looks like the culprit.

The shock of it all resulted in me slamming on my brakes. Horns of the people behind me continued to play rudely behind me and in a dazed state of mind I released my foot off the left pedal and back onto the gas.

I was so zoned out of everything that I was surprised that I actually made it to my usual spot at our apartment. I don't even remember making all the turns that show the way to my current location.

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