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An email from tthompson967 informed me that she'd be willing to grab a coffee with me, and go over details about the apartment. I still haven't got her name, but that is the last thing on my mind. My rent due date is quickly creeping up on me, and I need her help more than her first name.

Unfortunately I haven't gotten a chance to ask for bank statements, letters of recommendation, or any other important matters. The last thing I want to do is scare her away with my "control freak" ways, so I'm running on all trust here.

Let's just hope that it all doesn't came back to bite me in the butt like my last encounter.

We plan on meeting for coffee before any of our classes early tomorrow morning. Which should give me all of tonight to prepare myself on what and what not to say. Nervousness is one of my best qualities and I'd be lying right now if I said it wasn't kicking in.

After a calming, scolding shower I twist my hair up into a towel and dress in my fuzzy, red pajamas. I climb into bed with my glasses on my nose and a book in my hands. My comforter surrounds me and provides me with the essential warmth making me all toasty.

I don't know when I fell asleep last night, but I woke up to the streams of sunlight burning my eyes and the unfortunate screeching of my alarm clock. My hand automatically reached out and hit the snooze button harder than necessary resulting in the beautiful and peaceful sound of nothing once again.

I shut my eyes once more before digging all around my sheets for my phone. When my hand finally enclosed around the sleek device I brought it up in front of my face as I clicked the top button. The screen came to life, and to my misfortune showed the time.

8:15 am

In many people's lives this would be considered a decent time to be awake, but for me right now it was the complete opposite. My blankets literally flew off my bed as I jumped down out of it.

My feet rushed to the bathroom where the cold tiles greeted my toes. I didn't even have time to shiver since I only had ten minutes to get ready and be at the coffee shop.

There's no way I'd be able to take a full shower, do my makeup and hair then make it on time. It was completely impossible.

My normal showers sometimes take up to an hour, so I guess a quick wash was all I had time for.

The hot water hitting my skin was always one of my favorites. It was calming and made you feel refreshed once you got out.

I hastily scrubbed my body until I felt clean enough. My hair would have to stay the way it is since I'm now down to five minutes, so I threw it up into a sloppy bun on top of my head.

After a quick skim over my closet I chose a pair of black leggings and a burgundy long-sleeved shirt before shoving my feet into a pair of old, white Converse.

Since I'm going to be living with this person for who knows how long I decided to just leave my face bare. She'd be seeing it all too soon, so why not just let her get used to it now.

I hustled out the door making sure to lock it with my key, and made my way out to my car.

I drove as quickly as I could without getting pulled over, and somehow made it to the coffee shop with a minute to spare. An empty parking spot caught my eye immediately and made me feel relieved.

Just as I was about to take the white-lined area some jerk swerved in and took it right away from me.

I honked my horn at the person who had just opened their car door. It wasn't just a person that exited the car, but it was a beautiful, tan, and muscled creation.

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