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Amaya's POV

Even though there had been some rocky points in the time spent in the company of the Thompson's yesterday, the good times were there to keep everything in balance. So only thinking about the positives, I climbed out of bed with a pure smile on my face.

I opened the curtains to let the light seep in and to help myself wake up. With one look outside it was easy to decipher that it was a cold morning. Layers of frost coated the precisely cut grass, driveway, and the sleek company car parked out front.

And leaning against the already running car looked to be one of the drivers I had seen yesterday. He had gloves on and was reading a newspaper while his breaths of fresh air gave off puffs of white clouds. It was probably below freezing outside, but the man acted as if nothing bothered him and as if he was immune to the bitterness that winter was bringing to the state of New York.

I continued to watch him as he folded up his newspaper and tucked it under his arm. He stood as still as a statue before I saw Will's familiar figure emerge from the Thompson residence and saunter out to the waiting vehicle.

The chauffeur immediately opened the silver-handled door and tipped his hat before Will slipped inside. The door shut behind him immediately and the driver rounded the Cadillac to the driver's side. It didn't take long before the car pulled out of the driveway and was on it's way.

The chauffeur was probably taking Will to work. He did say he had somewhere to be early today. On the topic of things Will, the last thing her had said to me..."never let him go" still bounced around in my mind. What could it possibly mean? I assume it's along the lines of not breaking up with Theo, but why would I ever do that? He's the best thing that ever happened to me.

Before I could give it any more thought, there was a knock on my door. I shut the curtains before rushing to answer it. I was hoping it was Theo, but when I opened the door it revealed the butler from last night. I tried to hide my disappointment, but it didn't take long for my excitement to return when I saw the big silver platter in his hands.

I was hoping it was food. How I was already starving this early in the morning was beyond me.

"Good morning, madam." He bowed his head like I was royalty.

"Good morning, sir." I chuckled at the thought of me even being royal. I'd be like Princess Mia in The Princess Diaries, if not worse. "What have you got there?"

I pointed to the covered dish in his hands, only growing more curious with time.

"Oh! This is just my way of saying thank you! You surprised me yesterday. You really did. No one around here ever says thank you, so in return for your gratitude I wanted to give you some of my own." He smiled politely and I immediately felt kind of proud for being the one responsible of giving him such a positive change in mood.

"Oh, you didn't have to go through all that trouble. I was just being polite." I smiled back to him.

"Sure I did. I just wanted to say thanks," He admitted. "May I come in and set this down for you, miss?"

He nodded towards the desk in my room and I realized the platter might be getting heavy.

"Oh! Yes! Of course. Come on in." I stood aside enough to let him pass so he could set the platter on the elegant desk in the corner of my room.

"I had the chef whip this up for you," He said as he set it down. "I really hope you enjoy."

"I'm sure I will. Thank you so much." I smiled to him.

He nodded in return and with that he was out of the room in a flash. I chuckled at his kind gesture and closed the door to my room before returning to my desk and removing the cover of what I'm assuming was some breakfast.

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