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As soon as I make it back to the apartment I'm skimming through all my clothes trying to decide on what to wear. For some reason everything I put on doesn't seem right for the occasion.

After almost a whole hour of contemplating I decide on a gray tank, dark wash jeans, a faded blue and white flannel, and a pair of tan booted wedges. I accessorize with my favorite gold watch and a long dangling necklace of the same color.

In the bathroom I touch up my hair with the curling iron and a few spritzes of hairspray here and there. When I'm all finished I'm impressed with my end result. I hardly ever wear something other than t-shirts so Theo will probably be impressed to know I actually have the capability to throw an outfit together.

I plop down on the couch and call for Gracie to come sit with me. I've been training her and she's learning rather quickly. I can't help but be proud of her. She's literally the sweetest little dog you'll ever meet.

I run my hand over her fur and scratch behind her ears just the way she likes and I feel her instantly cuddle into my left leg.

"Oh, Gracie. You really are the cutest dog."

My eyes glance known at my watch. It's been two hours since I left the football field and Theo was still a no-show. So many scenarios were running through my head about what could've happened to him and I was beginning to really worry.

I tried calling his cell and it went straight to voicemail. I sent him multiple texts asking him if he was okay, but they all went unread.

With all the distress I knew I needed a distraction. I set my phone to the side and flicked on the tv.

After a few minutes of channel surfing I landed on a random one and kept it there. My eyes tried to stay peeled open but eventually they ended up sealing shut.

A slam of the door and a loud ruckus is what woke me from my slumber.

Lots of mumbling followed. It sounded like someone was constantly tripping over their own feet and trying to make their way through the apartment. I hear someone yank open the refrigerator and rummaging through all the drawers and food.

Gracie's ears were perked up and she had her teeth bared ready to attack whatever came in our way. I grabbed the remote off the coffee table thinking it's better than nothing and better to be prepared.

I crept (with Gracie on my heels) in to the kitchen. A tall figure whose back was turned to me was picking up just about every food he could find and stuffing his face with it. I couldn't make out many of his physical features because it was dark and the only light was coming from the fridge which he was facing towards.

I took a leap of faith and flipped on the light making the guy instantly turn around to face me.

"Damn it, Theo! You need to stop sneaking around and scaring me half to death!" I shout after slamming the remote onto the kitchen counter.

His eyes were wide and his frozen posture indicated that he was shocked. But that soon wore off. Anger clouded his eyes as he took large strides across the kitchen until he was standing right in front of me.

"Get off my ass, Amaya! I've got greater things to worry about other than scaring you!" He screamed into my face.

My throat felt like it was locking up. Something that usually happened when I was being yelled at no matter what the situation.

My nose twitched at a smell I hadn't come in contact with a long time, but I knew what it was. It was alcohol.

"You're drunk." I said quietly.

The Football Player's RoommateWhere stories live. Discover now