The Father.

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It wasn't like Theo to be nervous.

But for the last week he hadn't been himself. The usual easy-going and care-free Theo seemed to be long gone.

He was currently sitting at the table along with Gracie, who was begging for food beside him, something he failed to notice. He was all but avoiding his breakfast I had just made him.

Waffles had been Theo's recent favorite, which is why I had woken up early to make them. I had done so in hopes of distracting him from all his recent troubles, but in my mission I had failed.

I watched from the kitchen with my mug of coffee in my hands and my eyes remained on his leg as it continued to rattle about. It was a consistent habit that came out of nowhere and I now couldn't remember a time without it inhabiting our apartment.

Theo's behavior was due to one event. An event that had so much tension built up behind it, but we all had known it was something that Theo desperately wanted to happen.

His mother finally told him who his biological father was.

Camilla resisted at first, out of what I assumed was embarrassment and all of her remaining guilt. Theo had considered finding out the answer on his own, but didn't want to go behind his mother's back since they were finally on good terms.

It had been a whole two years since Theo had found out about his true lineage and so much had happened. I had finished my first and second year in college and Theo his second and third. Now we were both working towards our succeeding years in school.

Theo was determined to finish college before heading off to a further career in football. He was finally in his senior year and with his successful time in the NCAA he was guaranteed a spot in the NFL.

Everything was going well for us. Theo's dream career was becoming a reality, I was almost done with college, and we still had our perfect apartment and Gracie.

Life was going smoothly and Theo hadn't really thought much about finding his dad. That was until his mother's divorce was finalized.

After a lengthy and difficult battle, the Thompsons were officially and lawfully over. Camilla Thompson no longer existed. She returned to her maiden name which made her Camilla Kingston.

Mr. Thompson wanted his cars, his company, and majority of the money. Camilla just wanted the house and her beloved red Aston Martin, which she immediately received.

Mr. Thompson practically scoffed at her demands since they were so minor, but let her have both. Her lawyer was sure to get her everything she wanted and due to her prenup she also ran into a mountain load of cash.

Well a mountain load to me at least. It was a mere molehill to her. But with that money she assisted my father further into his rehabilitation like she promised Theo she would.

My father was now as healthy as ever and came to visit me as often as he could.

Both my parents were a little upset with the fact that Theo and I were sharing an apartment all along. It had been something I had kept from them both during the rough times, but after dad was finally in the clear, health-wise, which was about May of my freshman year, Theo and I flew down to Louisiana to confess.

They were upset with me for about a month, but as time progressed they finally came around. I remember how supportive Theo was during the time my parents were upset with me.

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was devastated with how my parents reacted to us telling them the truth that I had just been burrowed myself up in my favorite blankets on the couch with Gracie to keep me company.

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