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Theo's POV:
I sped as fast as I possibly could to the hospital. If I had known she was allergic to cinnamon, none of this would've happened.

I blame myself truly and it really shows I don't know everything about Mya no matter how much I wanted to.

"How you doing there, gorgeous?" I asked trying to make her feel a little better.

"Wast fing I need wight now is you wying oo me." She glared over at me. (Last thing I need right now is you lying to me.)

Her face was a little puffy but I could still notice the extreme amounts of sass that help emphasize the scary look she giving me at the moment.

"I'm sorry." I said quickly as I turned to the windshield again.

I wasn't sorry...why should I be sorry for telling the truth??

"Do you need anything? Is there anything I can do?"

"Yeah. Make my wips, face, and mouf feel human again. Pwease and fank oo." She said with an extreme amount of sassy for a person whose mouth looked near exploding.  (Yeah. Make my lips, face, and mouth feel human again. Please and thank you.)

"Okay we're almost to the hospital, so you'll have to wait on that." I replied sarcastically.

"Do not get sarcastic wiff me Feo. Not today of all days. You did this to me." She began to sniffle.

"Are you....crying?" I asked warily.

"What?! No!! My nose is running, you jerk!" She shouted staring out the window.

"Okay sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. Just wanted to do a little check up." I kept my eyes on the road trying my best not to upset her anymore.

A few silent moments passed before she tried to talked with puffy lips again.

"I'm sowy. I am just on edge. I don't mean to be itchy...itchy...itchy...damn it I can't even say itchy!" She whined while looking ip to the ceiling of the car.

"It's alright, baby. I understand what you mean. You're not being 'itchy.' I messed up a simple breakfast and I'm extremely sorry. I'm getting you to the hospital as fast as I can. Just relax until we get there, okay?" I asked while I took my right hand off the steering wheel and brushed it across her cheek.

She sighed. "-ut I-"

"Uh-uh. Just lay down. We'll be there soon." I said taking my hand off her face before setting my arm on the center console.

For being as stubborn as she is I was surprised when she listened and leaned her seat back. From what I heard beside me it sounded like it took her forever to get comfy on the leather seat before finding one position to stay in.

I was so deep in concentration that I almost didn't notice her hand slipping into mine.

"I wove oo." I heard her whisper making a small grin take over my lips.

"I love oo too." I brought her beginning-to-puff hand up to my lips.

She smiled as big as she could with her swollen mouth. And it was such a cute sight that I continued to admire her for too long.

"-op aring!" (Stop staring!) She yelled at me resulting in me chuckling. "Why ah oo -aughing?!" (Why are you laughing?!)

Her speech was getting worse by the second and Amaya, being the grammar police she is, it was ironically funny to hear her messing up such simple words.

"I'm sorry, babe. You having funny speech is just a little humorous. And it's honestly kind of cute." I admitted turning my eyes back to the road.

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