chaster 3 (pictur of Mr Chowder)

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Class was boring. Mr Chowder just kept babbling about the science of the human body. Most people ended up putting earphones in and zoning out of the lesson. That was the good thing about Mr Chowder, he didn't care as long he was getting paid. Then there was a nock on the door.

"Come in Dillon" Mr Chowder said with a little disgust. That was the 6 time we had been interrupted in that one lesson.

"Emma Swan, you are needed in the principals office."

The class rumbled with ooooos as I stood up and made my way to the door.

"Ms Swan, your work?"

I turned around and handed it to Mr Chowder. "Oh sorry"
(Principals office)

"Ms Swan, so glad you could make it." Mrs Cappillo greeted with a fake smile.

"Gladly" I marked with sarcasim. It happend to be the 8 time this term.

"Sit" she ordered with no emotion. "And Ms Swan, this has nothing to do with all the other stuff you have been in here for." She finished

I took a seat next to Arri. "So Ms Swan, I expect that you know why your back?"

"Yup..." I was cut of bye Arri who nudged me in the side.

"Ahaha". Arri fake laughed to Mrs Cappillo then turned to me and wisper snapped "A little respect wouldn't hurt once in a while, now manners please Emma."

"Yes mom." I snapped back.

"Apologize now you little brat!" Arri snapped with anger.

"OH YES 'MOM'!" I yelled with sarcasim. "I'LL DO WHAT YOU SAY 'MOM'!"

"Alright! Cut it out you two brats!" Mrs Cappillo yelled over both of us.

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