chapter 7 (picture of Emma in costume.)

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Until someone grabbed my hand.

"What the he-" I stopped and rolled my eyes when I say it was Luke.

"No, no, finish what you were gonna say." He said with a smirk. "Oh missy, don't you remember? Oh Lukie, no cursing tonight my love." He said and laughed.

"Ok first things first, I don't sound like that at all. And second of all, I have never called you 'Lukie' neither have I called you 'my love'."

"Well maybe we can change that, Emmsy." He said as he leaned towards me. Closer and closer until our lips were just centimeters away.

"We'll see then." I said and crashed my lips against his.
The kiss was, soft, moist, and well, I enjoyed it. He slammed me against a door and the opend it. He pushed me on the be and locked the door. He crashed his lips on mine and lay on me. I flipped him over and lay on him

"Oh Luke," I sighed brushing his hair back, "your just not good in bed, I can't have sex with someone that's not good in bed! This is high school pumpkins."

"What!?! When did you become a player?"

"How dare you call me a player! It's a joke! I don't like you like that and I'm not going to have sex with you. And I'm NOT going to be the one to take your virginity, save it for someone special."

"So was Alic you special?" He asked me with a smirk.

"No he wasn't, I just got drunk when I was at his place and it ended up happening. Rrrrr Luke, why did you have to bring it up!?!" I asked a little annoyed.

"Because I want you to take it Em! You never listen do you! I LOVE you." He said getting annoyed.

I kissed his forehead. "Sorry Luke, but I don't like you back." Lies, lots of lies. I love him with all my hart. I love him to the moon and back, I actually love him so much to Pluto and back! Just tell him.
What I did next surprised both if us, I walked out.
OMG thank you sooooooooo much for 74 readers! I love you all! Please vote and share! Thank you my penguin ducks.

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