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fuck this
fuck that
let's fuck it all up
don't like my swearing?
fuck you
are you angry at the world?
fuck it all
don't like school or work?
good, fuck it
is your neighbor being pretentious?
well, fuck 'em
are they hot and have a new car?
well, still fuck 'em
fuck it all
let's fuck it all up
can't go to sleep?
fuck it
did some drugs at a stranger's party?
you done fucked up
so let's resolve that
let's f u c k it up
because in the end
we're already fucked
so why not fuck up
while we're fucked up
so we can pretend
we're not fucked up

Wtf did I just write

edit: apparently the poem needed more fucking up. this is my daily thought process tbh

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