kidnapped by a demon

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Sam starting pushing Cas out the room Dean was smiling as Cas and Sam left.
"Cas,I told you if he keeps getting sex,his Cain will get stronger", "Sam,I'm sorry it's just the,he's so lonley in there and,I don't want him be sad", "ya but Cas when he's a human again".

Cas looked down twidling his thumbs Sam stopped. "Cas", Cas mumbled words but Sam didn't get it, "Cas what"Cas fell on the floor bawling.

"Cas,what's wrong". Cas was stuck silent crying his eyes out.

"He's crying cause of me Sam!"Sam heard Dean in the,other room but,he wasnt Sam turned around to see Dean leaning on the wall.

"Dean,what Do you mean", "he's crying cause I'm not going back to human","why,do you Like being a demon", "well you answered half the question but no,I can't turn back cause if I do,it would go to a different person,leaving us all in danger".

Cas was leaning on the wall in a ball Dean looked at him.
"Seems like he's a hand full to you,I could take him for a while,you know just calming him down",Sam looked at Cas putting a hand on him Cas flinched.

Cases crying filled the whole lair it was devastating watching it so.dean hade to fix it.

"Sam you take to long Cas cmon your coming with me"Dean picked Cas up "Dean,what you doing", "Sam don't worry he will be back tomorrow"as Dean said that he dissapered with Cas by his side.

Dean and casteils p.o.v

Dean sat Cas down on the bed of his room, Dean sat by Cas huging him.

"Cas,calm down"cas layed himself on the bed curling in a ball with half crying.
"Cas,cmon im going no where,and not getting controled by the cain".
Cas started resting himself to stop crying.
"Cas,you okay now","yah".cases response was silent calm and smooth dean smiled in sesponse.

"Come here"dean picked cas up fron the bed proping him up by him. "Cas,i want you to know thatim never gonna leave your sight,or let anything control me"cases tears still ran down his cheeks.
Dean put his hand on cases cheek whipping away the tears.

"Stop cas cmon,dont cry"cas started smiling "dean,im sorry,i did feel lonley with no one to hold,i felt so bare with out you,i didnt meanto hurt you", "no cas its okay,i know how you feel,so lonley you felt fear and emptyness"cas nodded as he kissed dean their lips seemed to never splint a second.

"Hm,cas i,uh i love you"cas smiled, "i want to make up for what ive done". "Cas you don't need to","but I want to".

Cas pushed Dean down on the bed Dean was on his stomach as Cas was taking deans shirt off.

When Dean was bare of the top Cas started kissing and licking deans back.
"C-cas"Cas took his shirt and trench coat of cases body rubbed against deans.

"Cas"Dean soon flipped over looking at Cas Dean ripped his pants off as Cas ripped his off, cas jently piled deans boxers off Cas instantly entered Dean, Dean yelled as Cas thruster in Dean faster and faster.

"Ahh,ah Cas,ah"Dean held the sheets and cases back his finger nails digging in cases back as Cas layed his head on deans shoulder.

Dean could feel the sweat on Cas Dean could hear the heavy breathing of Cas.

"D-dean", "Cas,are you gonna", "ngh,ah","Dean,deeaan!"Cas came in Dean it went on the sheets and their body's.

Cas breathed heavily as he got out of Dean "ah,Cas,uh"Dean and Cas breathed heavily Dean intertwined their hands together. Dean smiled as he put his head to cases.

He jently rubbed cases cheek. "Cas,are you okay"cases eyes were closed his breathing was fast.
"Cas", "hmg", "ngh,my back"Dean flipped Cas alittle looking at his,back,it was bleeding a little "sort Cas,that was me,I'll take you to the lair,and fix you up", "okay".

"Cmon,sams waiting for us anyways"Dean picked Cas up helping him get dressed and dressed himself.
Dean hugged Cas jently.

"what ever Sam says to you or says it's not okay,just always remember,I'll be here to make you feel better,I'll always be by your side".

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