deathening voices

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Dean could feel cases heart beat beating faster Cas held deans hand squeezing it tight "why"dean asked Cas asked his voice scratchy,"b-because,I wanted to feel i let everybody down that I knew,sam you me,i felt broken i have become something i cant control myself i want to restart"Dean could feel Cas getting scared each day getting weak every minute.

Cas got up from the bed not t saying anything else he walked out deans room holding his stomach wound dean followed cas,"cas where are you going"dean asked Cas answered, "im going for a walk Dean"Dean could not see him just going for a walk he could kill himself be killed or worse,well worse is dean.

"Cas where are you gonna go","the woods,for peace"dean grab cases shoulder,"Cas you can't go alone"cas took deans hand off of him,"I'll be fine"Cas said as he dissapered.
"Fuck"Dean said last time Cas went alone he found him in the street close to death Dean had to find him.

7 minutes cases p.o.v-

Cas was quietly sitting on a rock no shirt cold quiet,Cas clenched his pants sniffling quietly.

Dean&same voices in cases head-

"Help please!","he's dieing Jesus help","help me help my family ","I'm gonna kill myself,I can't see him sufure","please I hate this","help!",
,"he saved me","maybeI like being this new me","no you don't!","just leave me alone I won't bother you","ahhhhh!","I'm dieing".

The voices faded Cas clenched hard on his pants feeling the pain of Dean and Sam "stop,stop stop!"Cas yelled trying to forget trying to get away from the painful voices Cas fell to the ground yelling,"ahh,stop please,stop"Cas was crying, "stop,s-stop"Cas could barley hear Dean go by him crouch and touch him Cas jumped up.

"Dean!,uh"Cas moved away scared,"Cas what's going on","voices I hear voices of you and Sam I hate it"Dean hugged Cas looking at him he put his hand on his cheek smiling,"Dean"Dean leaned in kissing him their noses glided softly together Dean moved away,"Cas,it's okay your gonna be okay"Cas nodded,Dean picked Cas up,"let's get to the lair okay"Cas nodded as Dean helped him up,"cas what voices did you hear"Dean asked as they walked to the lair.

"Voices of when Sam and you were sufuring","what kind of sufur"Cas closed his eyes speaking again.


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