Drunk love

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Dean woke up with Cas as always naked and in some pain.
Cas groaned "hey","hey"Dean kissed Cas "im gonna go out Today" ,"where"Cas asked "out with some hunters i know,you want to join"Dean said as he got dressed.

"Are you sure","yeah"Cas scratch his head getting up getting dressed as well.
"Sure I'll go","good,we be going now"Dean said grabbing cases waist pulling Cas with him to the impala.

20 minutes later-
Cas and Dean sat in the impala quiet Cas groaned quietly as he held his stomach and the iner of his private.

Dean looked at Cas,"you okay,Cas","y-yeah"cas responded in a hurt voice.
"Cas,I know some things bothering you,so what is it","it's really nothing dean",,"cas spill it now"Dean said "Dean seriously it's nothing"Dean grabbed cases thigh rubbing it.

"Cas something is bothering you I want to help so tell me,please"dean said in a soft voice Cas sighed.

"I-its uh,it's Lucifer","what you mean","you know demons like lucfer are not suppose to be acuanted with me,well he's been helping he's been saving myself from mistakes since,Rory","so he led you to having sex with him"Cas nodded disappointed in his self.

"So why you hurting so much","I don't really know","when does it hurt the most","shx"Cas mumbled.

"What,"s-sex","uh"Dean closed his eyes for a minute before putting them back on the rode.
"I'm hurting you am I","what!,no Dean no!"Cas said.

"Cas just face it,im a demon and your a angel,","Dean don't say that!"Cas said closing his eyes,"I can if I want to Cas!,I'm telling the truth!"dean yelled his eyes going black,cas sniffled.
"Cas,i-im sorry","no dean its fine,we all make mistakes"dean clenched the weel.

"Dean its okay,calm down"cas wipped his eyes smiling."you sure I can take you to the doctors","no,no"Cas said grabbing deans leg squeezing it.
"Damn Cas,strong grip there","uh,sorry dean"Cas leg go but Dean laughed glidding his hand to cases arm pulling it and setting it back on his leg.

"You like it","what you think"Cas chuckled as he lend of kissing deans neck lightly.
"Cas,cmon we got friends to met up with"Cas smiled whispering "I'll save it then",Cas leaned away as Dean stop the impala Dean blushed a deep red as Cas stepped out the car and Dean to.

Dean and Cas walked in a bar,"hey,Dean!","hey Harry!"Dean said hugging his friend Harry,"who's this","this casteil good buddy of mine,real good"Dean looked at Cas winking.

"Nice to meet ya"Harry said Cas smiled,"nice to meet you too","Dean my wife were going to calafornia for a hunt,so I got to go in like 2hrs"Harry said as the waiter came to them.

"Its still night time you guys going in the dark","cmon Dean ain't that dark secialy for us","ha,got the right"Dean said as they both laughed.

"What will it be today loves"a girl said,"beer for all pretty lady"Harry said winking at the waiter.
"Calm down Harry still got a wife","I know Dean,don't mean I can still flirt"Harry said hitting his lip chuckling.

2hours later-

"Wooooooh!,ya!","o-oh casteil,if I win you got to drink this who bottle of beer dean to if you win,haha I got to,uhhh,I got to,I got to drink two beers all in one"Harry said drunk.
"You-haha got a deal","your gonna,lose pipsqueak".
Harry said laughing along with Cas.
"Ready,set,go!"Dean yelled.
Cas and Harry started drinking shots of beer.

"Sh-shit!,how you do that harry"cas said swayying around .
"I win!,you got to now"harry said as he passes two beers one to dean and one to cas.
Cas and dean poped the caps clinking the beers and started chugging.
Cas and dean both slammed the beers at the same time on the table.

"Hahaha,you guys are out of the wourld drunk!,","yeeeaaah"dean said.
"Oh shiiiit,i got to go,keep cool","byeeee"Harry left Dean and Cas smiled as the waiter came back up.
"Y'all need a room today","yeeaah,which ones open","107,Its all yours loves"the girl said as she gave the keys to Dean.Dean pulled Cas to the room.

Cas grabbed deans color of his shirt tugging it as he pushed his lips to deans French kissing him.
"Your drunk"Cas said in a husky voice,"your sexy"Dean said in a sexual voice.

Cas smiled As Dean no pulled his to the bed.
"You been a bad boy Dean","hehe,I have,punish me Cas, punish me",Cas starting stripping Dean from all his cloths but his boxers.

"Strip me",Cas said as he kissed deans neck Dean started stripping Cas.
Cas graduly took deans boxers off as Dean did the Cas.

"Cmon Cas,punish me I been a bad bad boy",Cas got on Dean his legs in between dean they started kissing moving the bed.
Cas gripped deans thigh by his private squeezing it Dean yelped in exsitment.
"Do it Cas,do me",Cas kissed deans neck as he didn't give Dean a breather and pushed his whole private in Dean.
"Shit Dean,why you so tight"Cas said as he thrust faster in Dean.

Dean gave a drunk moan yelling.
"Ah yes,Cas give it to be baby,!,ahhh".

Cas started giving deans hickeys all around.
Dean held cases back digging his fingers in his back.
"Ngh,ahh!,"Cas groaned sweat dripping Dean was breath heavily sweat streaming down on him.

"Ahh!,"Cas held Dean and Dean held Cas tight Dean hunched his back from the exsitement and pain as they both cummed.
"Gahh,",Cas pulled out of Dean ,Dean moaned in pain.
"Mmmgh,"Dean held Cas tight.

"Can you drive tonight"Dean said but Cas dindnt respond dean looked over seeing Cas,

fast asleep.

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