Celebration time

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" Beautiful girl ." Padme exclaimed as the maids finished my hair to be half way up . I looked at my gown as I knew that any woman who was a jedi wouldn't wear this. But I wasn't just any Jedi , I was a Skywalker.

" Queen Padme, I know this is going to sound weird . But if Anakin was our age would you date him?"

She looked at me then to herself in the mirror . " Your eyes are exactly like mine . " Padme proclaimed as we stood the exact same height .

" I didn't notice ." I muttered as I tried to get out of the conversation.

" Master Obi Wan is waiting for you ." one of the maids said as I looked up to see him leaning against the doorway .
His braid wasn't there anymore as I knew he was a Jedi Master now . " Come Anna !" Was all he said as he turned around and I followed him.

Giving the brush to a maid and hugging Queen Amandala before we go out there before everyone for the peace treaty with Jar Jar's people.

Following in behind Obi quietly made me wish he knew the truth . To hear my true name Skywalker but I knew I would be the crazy Jedi girl who mind was slipping .

" Why are you so quiet ?" Obi asked as he stopped to follow beside me. " Just wondering how things will go from here ." I answered as nervousness hit me all of a sudden .

" Stand beside me and you'll do fine ." Obi Wan said as I smiled at his words .
" I will ." was all that came out as he took my hands in his own. Feeling like my hand was on fire as he brought it up to his mouth . He kissed my hand quickly then squeezed it tightly.

I don't what this was as I looked from my hand to his eyes . " Anna." A voice calling my name interrupted us . Obi Wan dropped my hand gently before Anakin came through us two . His blond hair was cut as his small braid hung like Obi Wan once was.

" Master Anna, I am now a padawon !" He said jumping up and down as his small hand grabbed mine . " I am so proud of you ." barely came out as we came and hundred of creatures celebrated this event . My eyes widen as I looked at my grandmother Queen Amadala . I looked as we walked upon the platform as I walked between Obi Wan and Padme . My eyes scanned the view as everyone was smiling and cheering for us .

The ceremony didn't take long as I felt even more out of place . We entered a room where food was being held for us . I looked and saw Jar Jar Binks running as he threw his arms around me roughly . " Its nice to see you again ." his words made me smile as we talked for a while .

A bunch of girls were gathered around Obi Wan and Anakin trying to flirt with the handsome Jedi and his cute padawon boy . " Jealous young one?" A voice asked as I looked up to see Master Windu asked . " Of course not." I exclaimed . Windy looked as he frowned even more . " Only Master Yoda trusts you and I don't ." his reply didn't even bother me . " So ;Master Yoda is the only one who opinion matters to me."

" Anna Solo , you got to be careful with that anger of yours .It will destroy you like many before have ." Master Windu's words cut like a knife as Jacen came to mind.

" Master Windu , I've seen it first hand from someone who was like family . And my best friend had to destroy him . So I know where it leads and I know how to handle it. " was all I could handle as I walked away from him.

He was right but hoping that I could save so many lives . I had to do my mission and not let anyone get in the way .

But Luke , my father taught me well and I had great faith in him . Unlike my older Darth cousin I was not going to fall in the dark side . My feet led me to where a fountain flowed beautifully and no one was around . I pulled my feet out of my shoes and put them in the cold water . Breathing a sigh of relief as I was alone for once . I needed some time to be alone and be the girl Anakinia Skywalker . It was not hard being Aunt Leia and Uncle Han's daughter . I felt more like their daughter than mine own parents. Yes , I was very close to my father but me and mom was not even close at all .

I did miss her and my siblings but I never apologized for hurting her . Knowing I should have because she would have never forgiven herself . If I fail or died on any of my missions .

There had been so much that I wasnt prepared for on my first mission . " Why are you so quiet ?" A voice asked as I looked up to see Queen Amadala .
" I use to come here as a child to think alone . It would always in a way help me." she added .

" Master Windu said something that was right and it brought back bad memories . " I exclaimed as a tear went down my cheek .

" I know sometimes , they don't know how to connect to us ." Padme said . "Or we know their right and we don't know how to take it ." I finished her sentence as she smiled .

" It will be okay ,I promise ." she ensured me . I knew she was right that no matter what it would work out .

" Come on , they are probably missing us by now ."

I followed Padme back into the banquet hall . Obi Wan was looking around for someone as his eyes pierced my brown ones . " Anna." His voice seemed worried . " Whats wrong ?" I asked he hurried to me .

" I couldnt find you ." Obi answered as he grabbed my arms .

Red filled my cheeks as I wondered why he worried about me .

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