Twin names

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" Anna , do you want to go with us as your first mission ?" Jaina asked me the next morning as I was focused on what happened last night .

I shook myself out of my trance nodding at her words . " I don't think that's a good idea ." I looked at Mom as her words made me look at her twice . " Why , you let Ben go when he was my age ." I shot back as now I was focused on the conversation .

Mom looked at me with surprise , " You are not ready unlike your other two siblings are . " Now she was saying Leila was better than I was . " No she not , Anna , you can go with them ." as Dad beat me out of defending myself .

" Leila is better than Anna with the force . "Mom looked at dad then to me : as my feelings was more than hurt . " Thanks mom for the encouragement ."I yelled as I threw my napkin down and went out of the room .

" Annakia , you get in here now ." I ignored her order as I kept walking . " Stop ." she stopped me with the force .

I couldn't even move as more anger came flying in me . Before I knew it , mom was flying backward and landed hard against the wall .

Dad , Jaina, Aunt Leia , and my two siblings came running . " What happened ?" Leila asked as she helped mom from the ground . " See what I mean , Luke , she is not ready at all . She used her anger when she used the force ."mom snapped angrily .

" Did you ?" Ben asked as I didn't need him judging me to . " I couldn't move ." I shot back as his eyes filled with judgement about the situation .

" I'm going with you ." I told Aunt Leia as mom looked at her with anger . Jaina looked speechless as all she did was nod as she heard my words .

So by the next morning I was all settled on the ship with my blue lightsaber . This jet was a whole lot smaller than ours but it was more for combat than pleasure .

Everyone but dad wasn't speaking to me at all . Dad told me never use anger to gain more power from the force .


" Are you ready Anna ?" Looking up from my bag which held my clothes and lightsaber . " I am Aunt ." I answered as I looked back to see if any of my family came to tell me good-bye . And like I though no one but my father as he smiled with his arms open . " I'll miss you my daughter ." he whispered as tears threatened my eyes . " Me to father ."

He let me go from his arms so I could wipe the tears from my eyes . " I love you and please come back with both of your hands ." he said laughing as I looked at him confused then knew father and grandfather lost their arms in combat .

" One more thing Anna , never use anger to seek revenge on someone ."

His words of a advice sent chills down my back as I knew he was right . I might not mean anything to mom,Ben ,or Leila but I did to dad .

" We got to raid a destroyer since it is heading toward the young academy center . " Jaina said as she was telling me and Anakin the details we needed to follow .

" Anna , you and Anakin are going inside while me and mom distract them . Kill everyone in your path including Jacen ." those words sent chills down my back as I knew she was right .

Innocent pupils couldn't defend themselves as children but we could . Darkness laid in Jacen and he wouldn't think twice about killing me or his family at all . Darkness had his grips so much that there was no saving him at all .

" Anna ." Anakin said as I looked at my look a like except for our eyes . " Yes darling ." I replied as I knew we had to keep each other alive no matter what .

" Till death then ." was my last words as Jaida parked close to the ship so we could jump on it . The air combo door swung open as Anakin nodded as he jumped and landed with silence on the destroyer . Swallowing a lump of hoping I wouldn't fall till my death . " Jump " Anakin mouthed as I nodded and followed his jump to a perfect tee.

Anakin led me to a air shoot as he silently used his blue lightsaber to cut a hole in it . I opened my green one as I knew since he jumped first it was my turn to go in the ship first . " Quietly ." he mouthed as I nodded and jumped in the ship quietly .

There was no clones in this room as I looked up at Anakin as I motioned for him to come on .

He landed with ease as I let him go in front as we both got our lightsabers as they came to life . We went into the other room as I noticed no one was here which seemed odd .

I knew I shouldn't put my defense down as suddenly Jacen walked into the room . " Annakia and Anakin , nice to see the second twins ." his evil voice sent chills down my spine .

And like expected clones put their guns behind us as I knew I failed my first mission . " Palpating trained the original Anakin Skywalker who became Vader who was really powerful . So I will train you two so you can be Vader and Vaddess . I see darkness in both of you which only a spark can drive you here ."

" I love your concern Darth but no thanks ." I replied sarcasticly . " You used it before Anna, I sense it in you more than Anakin ."Jacen said as I knew the guy that I use to play when I was a child was beyond gone .

" Jaida , my twin will come willingly if you two would join me ."

" We are not joining ."Anakin said as Jacen looked at his brother with no love of compassion at all . " You are not like Darth Vader at all ." my words made his eyes shoot to me as he laughed and pulled out his red lightsaber . He opened it and pointed it toward my neck ," Your right , I have no more good in me at all ."

Then in a instance me and Anakin landed behind the clones as we pierced them with our swords . Now we were faced with Jacen as a smile went across his face . " If you were Leia , Luke , Mara , or Jaida I would be concerned . But you two are babies and I will be done with both of you in a second ."

" Thanks for the pep talk ." I taunt him as I smirked a smile back at him . " Two against one ." Anakin added to it as we knew that we would die for each other .

And so the battle began as our sabers clashed all at once . Anakin and I used opposite throws but Jacen was more advantage than we were both together .

Then I finally landed my saber on his side as blood oozed out in gushes . Then Anakin hit his other side and for a moment I thought we had it but I underestimate the battle .

Suddenly I was in the air and against the wall as I couldn't breath at all . Anakin's eyes grew scared as suddenly Jacen's saber went into Anakin's body . " Anakin ." I screamed his name as grief and anger surged through me suddenly I felt power . " See you hold the true dark side like me ."

I grabbed mine and Anakin's sabers and the real battle began . Dad's words came through me but I was so angry I couldn't think straight . Then I felt arms pull me back as I screamed to let me go as I looked down and saw blood coming out of my body .

How did I get wounded as I knew Aunt Leia held me as Jaida pulled out her saber at her brother . I slid to Anakin's level as I prayed he was will alive , " Annie ." I cried his nickname with tears slid down my face .

I felt blood oozing out of my body but I didn't care at all . He opened his eyes as the my squinted to me , " Anna , you used your anger ." he scold me as I laughed and picked his head into my lap .

I felt suddenly light headed as being choked for the second time wasn't fun at all . Blackness overcame me as I welcomed it with open arms .

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