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" Anna do not do this ! " A voice said as I felt whoever it was caress my face .

Opening my eyes slowly to see whoever it was . My heart stopped when I saw Jacen standing above me , " My sweet Anakina , you should have stayed on the dark side ."

Wondering if this was real or another vision that I was having ;" No , I am here Anna just like before . I will find Darth Sidious and we will take Anakin as our apprentice just like before . Except this time you will not be in the picture ."

Anger went through me as I smacked his hand away from my face ," I will destroy you Jacen just like before . You manipulated and twined me into a darth lord . Why did you turn against me ?" I asked her as I still did not remember

" You remember your memories ,Anna . Even though you deceived yourself that you don't !" Jacen said as I knew he was telling the truth .

" Why would I do that to myself ,Jacen ?" I asked him as I sat up to see him more .

" Meditate Anna and remember the whole reason why you forgot . " He said as he took my hand .

Suddenly, I was in front of Aunt Leia and Uncle Luke as we watched an angry Jacen walk into the room.

" Changing the past will not help with Ani's death ,mom. She has to help me right now with defeating the darth who killed Anakin !" He exclaimed as he took my hand and started to lead me to the door .

I could feel the conflict in me as we walked toward the door .

" Jac, I can't let Aunt Leia and father lose another one of us !" I exclaimed as I freed my hand from his grasp .

Shocked , Jacen looked to me then toward our parents as his anger deepened worse than I had ever seen it .

" Mother and Uncle Luke ,this is all your fault . You two have deceived Anna into going into some crazy mission that is not even possible . " He yelled as I was pushed to the side by the force .

" Jacen , if it saves more than just Anakin . Should we not give it a try to see how this missions plays out !" I declared as all I could see was the back of Jacen's head .

As I watched him turn around to me ; I could see the hate in his eyes toward me .

" Anakina , we have planned this mission for weeks . Why are you backing out on it now when everything is in place ?" He asked as I finally could move .

Obi's pov

" Master Kenobi , May I walk with you ?" I heard someone ask as I looked back to see Padme hurrying up to my side .

" Yes , come on Milady !" I said as I placed a smile at her .

" Please call me ,Padme ." Padme said as we walked down the hall toward Anna's room.

" How is Anna doing this morning ?" She added as I started to sense something was off as I smelled someone that I did not recognized at all .

" Padme , stay behind me . There is a stranger in Anna's room !" I applied to her as I pushed her behind me so I could keep her protected .

Anna's pov

Growing scared at my cousin as he put his hand , " I can not let you do this ,Anna . Please forgive me ." His voice was sincere as I felt like something was around me and I could not breath .

" Anna!" I could hear my father cry as he rush toward me .

But Jacen was ahead of him as he used his other hand to throw my father against the wall.

Falling to my knees as my vision begin to blur ; I knew that his anger was controlling his every move .

" Do not do this Jacen ." My words mumbled with each other as I put my hands on my neck .

" I am sorry my sweet sister ! Destiny is something you can not change ." He declared as tears slid down my face .

" Anchor , come with me !" An old man said as he walked toward me .

" Ben." I questioned as he resembled the description of my father's old mentor and Jedi master Obi Wan Kenobi .

He looked to me rather than the girl who was choking .

" Anna ,wake up ." He mouthed as I suddenly was jerked awake .

" Jacen !" I cried as I coughed and blood slowly slid out of my mouth .

" I am sorry Anna , I promise I will see you when you wake up again ." Jacen declared as he pulled his hood over his head and walked to my balcony .

" Ja-!" I barely could get out as I slid down to my marble floor .

Hearing my door open and footsteps leading to me ; pain increased in me .

" Anna , where are you !" Padme cried as breathing started to become more difficult.

More pain shot through me as I used all of the strength that was in me to raise my arm up.

But failed half way through it as blackness took over me .

" Anna !" I could still hear Obi Wan as I heard panick in his voice .

" Who was in your room ,Anna ?" Padme asked as I gained my vision back and see them hovering over me .

I could not reply as another cough came as well did blood

" We must take her to Dr. Nika !" Obi Wan exclaimed as he motioned for Padme to move aside .

" Anna , stay with me !" He added as he swung me into his arms .

As we rushed down the hall ; I saw Anakin rush to us ," Master , what is wrong with Anna ?" Anakin asked as he rushed to Padme's side .

" She is bleeding to much ,Anakin !" Obi Wan 's words sent chills down me as I started to slip in and out of consciousness .

Half way there , the blood stopped as well as did the coughing .

" She stopped bleeding ,Obi Wan . " Padme said as she reached down and wiped the blood from my face .

Waking up in a glass walk room as medical droids and Dr. Nika stood around me .

" Hello Anna, stay with us a little longer !" She exclaimed as I sensed Obi Wan close by with Master Yoda .

She was motioning someone to come to her; as I wondered who she was telling to come to us .

Knowing that it was Obi Wan as I felt his hand on mine .

Tears slid down my face as I wished we did not have to say goodbye this way .

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